Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Principles of Ecotourism

Introduction Definition of sustainability. Briefly mentions environmental, experiential, socio-cultural and economic sustainability in relation to ecotourism. Environmental sustainability Importance of environmental sustainability in managing ecotourism and examples of impacts Strategies for achieving sustainability and how they are applied Experiential sustainability Importance of experiential sustainability in managing ecotourism and examples of impacts Strategies for achieving sustainability and how they are applied Socio-cultural sustainability Importance of socio-cultural sustainability in managing ecotourism and examples of impacts Strategies for achieving sustainability and how they are applied Economic sustainability Importance of economic sustainability in managing ecotourism and examples of impacts Strategies for achieving sustainability and how they are applied Conclusion Introduction Environmental sustainability Importance of environmental sustainability *Strategies* for achieving environmental sustainability Accommodating for hundreds of visitors has disadvantages for a site if the wildlife or vegetation isn’t capable to withstand an increased level of exposure. That’s why hardening of a site allows that site’s carrying capacity to be increased e. g. pit toilets, board walks and but still limiting number to ensure minimal impact of that site. The Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park in Tasmania, Australia, have installed board walks along the track for the concerns of environmental degradation and overcrowding. The boarded sections are established in sensitive areas in the national park with significant importance for an ecosystem. The softening of a site refers to soil replacement and replanting of native vegetation to rehabilitate the site as much as possible. There are many businesses that were built with very low levels of impact, because of the extensive research done before the construction of their building. The Couran Cove Resort in Queensland assessed the area for their resort before construction and removed the native vegetation, planning to replant them after the completion of facilities. A number of environmental measures were put in place during the construction of the resort, such as installation of solar powered cabins, identification and mapping of significant trees, strategies to manage acid sulphate soils, and an integrated water management system. As a result of many of these management strategies, the resort has become an industry leader in environmentally sensitive technologies. Visitation quotas and fees are a clever strategy to maintain a high revenue flow for the protected area and continue appropriate management. Zoning and site hardening influence visitation levels in specified areas, so these factors are considered when implementing fees and quotas. The overall number of visitors can be limited through the imposition of quotas and user fees; quotas are formal restrictions on visitor numbers and user fees (entry fees and other fees) increase the latter until visitor demand falls below the carrying capacity threshold. Mt Buffalo National Park in Victoria, Australia charges entry fees for visitors, whether camping or just visiting. These fees are put towards managing the park, including regular maintenance of provided facilities. There are methods to restricting and allowing appropriate viewing or access of wildlife by providing information and education to tourists; informing users about the recreational resource and current level of use. Making the users more sensitive to the potential impacts their behaviours might have on the environment is an effective way to make them aware. Experiential sustainability Importance of experiential sustainability The experience of the tourist is important to be aware of to evaluate the sustainability in the way it is implemented. People learn better when they are actively involved in the learning process and use as many senses as appropriate. Interpretation is effective way to educate tourists because it works with the visitors rather than against them. Such techniques include; visitor centres, education centres, displays and exhibits, self-guided trails and guided tours. These techniques are strategies to inform tourists of the natural environment to which they participate in, to help understand the importance of sustainably managing activities in a site. Strategies for achieving experiential sustainability Socio-cultural sustainability Importance of socio-cultural sustainability Socio-cultural sustainability of ecotourism relates to the stability of social and cultural systems, including the wellbeing of local and indigenous communities. Their involvement is important for tourism to be successful and unique. It is a significant contribution to ecotourism’s global following. Socio-cultural and economic sustainability are linked together to also facilitate the wellbeing and satisfaction of visitors. Strategies for achieving socio-cultural sustainability Economic sustainability Importance of economic sustainability Economic sustainability is associated with socio-cultural sustainability; relating to the stability of social and cultural systems, including the wellbeing of local communities. The impacts of economics in local communities include start-up expenses (acquisition of land, establishment of protected areas, superstructure, and infrastructure), ongoing expenses (maintenance of infrastructure, promotion, and wages), revenue uncertainties, and revenue leakage due to imports and non-local participation. Examples of positive aspects of economics include direct employment, improvement of transportation and communication systems; negative aspects of economics include no local employment opportunities, and leakages may be high. Establishing a protected area requires lots of expenses to be able to maintain the environment sustainably. The development of buildings and infrastructure such as visitor centres and toilets require regular maintenance, which means there needs to be enough income to retain a standard quality. Employing staff can be limited when money is scarce, maybe even overworking employees. For example, the Cape Otway Centre for Conservation Ecology in the Great Otway National Park is an ecotourism operation that was established in 2004. The owners of the Conservation Centre opened the business to become involved in conservation projects and research biodiversity conservation. When opening the operation, the owner’s budget was limited and was unable to employ enough staff to keep up with the daily routine activities; such as delivering service to guests and running of education programs. Their only choice was to employ enough to manage the business and providing the services themselves. *Strategies for achieving economic *sustainability Economic sustainability relates to the income of an operation or protected area to maintain the natural environment or site. Such income can come from user fees (public’s willingness to pay), taxation (sales tax, accommodation tax) and donations (lack of resources or money for endangered species). Earth Sanctuaries is a company that operates a network of privately-owned sanctuaries, set up with the aim of conserving native wildlife species. The company has eradicated exotic species from all of its properties, and has erected fencing that excludes feral animals from each sanctuary. To fund its conservation efforts, the company offers a mix of ecotourism products including accommodation, tours, and an environmental education program. These products are managed to provide the ongoing profit needed to run the sanctuaries, and to provide dividends to the company’s shareholders. Conclusion Sustainable tourism is important to be properly managed when utilising the natural environment. The four components of sustainability are environmental, experiential, socio-cultural and economic sustainability, each is critical principle for achieving ecotourism. Each component is linked to another and one cannot function well without the others. Ecotourism is difficult to be completely sustainable for the natural environment, but can be managed to minimise low impact. This is done by the four components between each; they interact with one another’s resources to appropriate management the natural environment; linking together to facilitate the wellbeing of local communities. References

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Woman as Artist, Subject, or Patron in Baroque Art

Many elements must come together for a painting to be considered successful. Perhaps paramount in 17th century Europe were the guidelines set forth for art following the Council of Trent: Clarity, realism and emotional stimulus. Many artists fulfilled these requirements in their own ways: Rubens employed his mastery of drawing, while Caravaggio masked his apparent lack of skill by inventing a new way of painting, tenebrism (Caravaggism). While clarity could be established relatively easily, this doesn't mean images had to be simple.One of the most complex elements of Baroque painting is the use of women as subjects, particularly women of power, be they royal, biblical, or artists themselves. Artemisia Genteleschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes (1620) presents a female painter drawing on her own experiences to depict a heroine defeating a great enemy as only a lady could. Peter Paul Rubens' Medici Cycle (1622-25), specifically The Presentation of Her Portrait to Henry IV, shows the produ ct of a woman patron trying to glorify herself as a queen and justify her political ideals while being presented quite literally as an object to her husband-to-be.Finally, Diego Valazquez's Las Meninas (1656), a royal family portrait focusing on the daughter of Philip the IV and Mariana of Spain, but using the commission as a vehicle to draw attention to the artist and praise his craft. Using these three works, one can conclude that a woman, present as the artist, the patron or a decorative faux-subject, was a very powerful tool in Baroque art. Artemesia Genteleschi's Judith Slaying Holofernes shows the Old Testament story of a Jewish widow and her maidservant beheading the Assyrian commander Holofernes to save the city of Bethulia.The history of the artist is a strong influence on this work, as Artemesia was raped at age 17 by an associate of her father. Mary O'Neill points out in her article â€Å"Artemesia's Moment† that rape in the 17th century was a crime against a famil y's honor rather than the victim herself. This surely doesn't mean there is an absence of the psychological harm that accompanies the crime, and this work is seen as a â€Å"revenge painting†, an outlet for the artist to voice her feelings on a personal subject.Maybe one of the first examples of art therapy, a very powerful and deliberate action is taking place empowering women while keeping their femininity in tact, as mentioned in Mieke Bal's article,†Head Hunting: Judith on the Cutting Edge of Knowledge. † Bal says the three major jobs in women's lives are life-giving, in this case, saving the city and its residents; life taking, the killing of Holofernes; and in between, hard work, the two women with their sleeves rolled up, completing a task. The fact that the artist is female plays a large part in the mood and reception of the painting by both men and women.In this case we can compare it to a male-painted version of the same event. Caravaggio's, Judith Behea ding Holofernes (1599) shows the two women as apprehensive toward their charge and unwilling to make a mess, but the most striking visual difference is the red sash present in the background of both paintings, in Caravaggio's, it remains hanging as it should be in the space, in Artemesia's, it has fallen over the victim (victim? ) suggesting a battle has taken place and the women have triumphed.In Rubens' Medici Cycle, Louis VIII had come of age while his mother acting as regent, ruled France, when he grew tired of her policies, Marie de Medici commissioned the artist to make 26 paintings depicting events in her life to be shown to members of the French court and important visitors, with the intent to glorify herself as a legitimate ruler of France, â€Å"Painted Propaganda†, as David Freedberg puts it in his book Peter Paul Rubens: Oil Paintings and Oil Sketches. She was not meant to be shown as a mere member of the royal family, but as the single ruler of the country in whi ch her son was the rightful ruler.The fourth painting in this series, The Presentation of Her Portrait to Henry IV, shows the lady patron as a portrait, an object, being presented to a man, her husband-to-be. Though a woman as an object is generally seen as degrading, the way in which she is presented by deities and allegorical personifications strengthens the perception of the Medici: Hymenaios and Amor escort the portrait to the King while Jupiter and Juno look on in approval and France stands behind Henry in support of the union. She also engages the viewer, staring directly out of both frames, something the Kings isn't able to accomplish.This series wasn't meant to be viewed differently by men and women, only to glorify the â€Å"Queen Mother of France† to all people of France. The painting was produced at a time when Marie de Medici needed the support of her people, and although her attempt to keep the throne was ultimately unsuccessful, this painting among the series is a strong example of what women could accomplish as patrons to artists. Diego Valazquez's Las Meninas shows the more traditional negative way women can be shown as objects. composition dominated by women, the foreground depicts the Daughter of Philip IV and Mariana of Spain, Infanta Margarita surrounded by maids, dwarves, pets, other people important to the royal family as she goes about seemingly unimportant tasks. To her right, stands the artist, aposentador to the King, staring out at the audience as he paints. The king and queen are alluded to in a mirror on the back wall, present in the viewers space, as their physical presence in a portrait with the artist would be disrespectful. The artist takes advantage of this commission to raise his own status as an artist and member of the court.He does this by pretending Margarita is the subject, Magnificently dressed and centered, but bored and uninterested, only there to showcase the artists skill as a painter along with her servants. The Queen is also taken advantage of, present with her King in the background. Michel Foucault points out the objectivity of the King and Queen in his in-depth interpretation of the work in the first chapter of The Order of Things, â€Å"In the midst of all those attentive faces, all those richly dressed bodies, they are the palest, the most unreal, the most compromised of all the paintings images. only present to enhance the idea of the work the raise the artist and the art higher in the community. Men and women would both view this work similarly, showcasing the artists mastery of spacial representation and perspective, with underlying tones of narcissism as they discover the highly decorated and scholarly painter peeking out from behind the canvas. In these three very different views of women in paintings, as artists, as patrons, and as objects, we see how women were depicted, or used, as subjects in seventeenth-century art.It seems views of women have remained the same in the few hundred years since these works were completed, they can be seen as powerful, inspirational and strong, but also passive, boring, or as mere filler. The differences in composition, mood, and ideas were fun to discover as you move from a woman painter depicting a biblical event while drawing from her own experiences to a man attempting to keep a woman in the lifestyle to which she's become accustomed and not be executed himself.

What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated Essay

In the article â€Å"What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated† Mr. Kohn point out 6 points on being educated. Point 1.The Point of Schooling. (Nel Noddings the professor emerita at Stanford University, urges us to reject â€Å"the deadly notion that the schools’ first priority should be intellectual development† and contends that â€Å"the main aim of education should be to produce competent, caring, loving, and lovable people.†) I like this quote on the purposes of education. I work in a Christian School the maine goal for us as teachers and coaches is to participate in the development of a well-rounded student so they can learn the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in life. The next point that I would like to discuss is the concept of evaluating people as a whole vs. someone’s education. In this point Mr. Kohn talks about the difference in being well educated and the difference from simply being provided with a poor education. Is there a difference? I personally believe there are different types of education and not all people learn the same way. In the city that I live in there are many choices for schools from private to public. In some cases people move multiple times to keep their children in the district with the best schools. You must look at the person and where they came from in some families unfortunately education is not a main concern survival as a whole may be. Therefore we must look at the whole person not just the education someone may have. The next point is the absence of consensus, in this point Mr. Kohn discusses what a high school student should know or be able to do. He goes on to talk about the local and state and national standards. Should they all be the same? I believe it would be hard for every state to have the same standards across the board for education. There are going to be obvious areas where education is valued and areas where simply surviving is important. The district in my area is too large and some of the same standards do not make sense and applied to each town and county. I think that having standards is a good thought but there should be a better way of measuring these standards than simply testing the students sometimes individuals are not very good at test taking. Another important point Kohn discusses is all the definitions used for accommodations and school terms that do not make sense. The concept of seat time, which is the idea of being in a seat for a specific amount of  time dose not mean that you are well-educated. Just by setting in a lecture or listening to a new concept doesn’t always mean that you will retain that information that was being taught. The average person forgets or can’t remember what was said to them 48 hours ago. Another term is the term job skills Kohn states that â€Å"It would be a mistake to reduce schooling to vocational preparation, if only because we can easily imagine graduates who are well-prepared for the workplace (or at least for some workplaces)† In this statement he is telling us that someone with just one skill will be at a disadvantage, throughout life because of the way the world is changing with new technology that is making everything move quicker. The idea of test score is a point that interests me as well, just because you scored well on tests does not necessarily mean that you will be able to retain information from what you read. I think that some people have anxiety when it comes to tests specifically those with time limits and the added pressure of scoring well. In some cases teachers are under so much pressure to teach what will be on the test more then the concepts formulas of the material of the class. They are not always teaching what the proper foundations are of the subject. They are required to have certain scores for their classrooms to be successful. Another interesting point that is made is the Memorization of a bunch o’ facts. Kohn explains, â€Å"Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely poor way to judge who is well-educated.† Just because you can talk about great authors remember some quotes and tell some theories doesn’t mean you are well informed. Kohn also talks about the hierarchy of the graduation process and who is in charge of deciding who passes and fails because of a standardized test. It seams to be problem in multiple states. To be able to graduate you must fit in the required credits courses requirements. â€Å"This is disturbing not merely because of the inherent limits of the tests, but also because teaching becomes distorted when passing those tests becomes the paramount goal. Students arguably receive an inferior education when pressure is applied to raise their test scores, which means that high school exit exams may actually lower standards.† With this statement you can see that Mr. Kohn feels that’s the test scores are not actually relevant to all. He goes on to tell us more about the â€Å"Pass this standardized test or you don’t graduate,† If we look at most states we see that they are using curriculum standards to help students graduate with  the same standards as others students in other states. Students are learning facts, skills, and sub skills that they are expected to master at the grade level to continue on to the next grade level. The final point Kohn brings about talking about what it takes to be well-educated. Kohn, lists some qualities that are used to help you to succeed. â€Å"Schooling is organized around problems, projects, and questions – as opposed to facts, skills, and disciplines.† If teachers can focus on this and apply this to there classroom then knowledge and learning become exciting for the students. â€Å"Teachers are generalists first and specialists (in a given subject matter) second;† With this statement you can see that if you can apply this to your class room that you can succeed and continue to have a great learning environment. Well-educated people have general knowledge of world needed for making rational decisions in personal and intellectual life and basic skills, which develops the analytical ability to order and adapt to the changing environment. With an open mind, which helps to set up new and different goals in life, and with experiences and the skill to analyze and value the others’ ideas or thoughts. In Proverbs 1:7–9. 7 the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. 9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. This verse speaks to the lessons you have learned not only from your parents and the Bible but also from your time in school. Learning never ends to be well-educated you need to have the desire to learn and grow as the world continues to change.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Professional Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Ethics - Essay Example This blackmailing continued for months till a young girl in Canada reported the matter to the police. This report resulted in his arrest and subsequent sentencing. Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. Adolescents are increasingly depending on computers for various tasks including games, chatting and school assignments. This increased use of the Internet puts them at greater risk of befriending pedophiles and hackers. Any contact with such a person can cause emotional trauma and girls may even encounter serious physical danger since many pedophiles pose as younger people looking for friends. With increased use of computers, Internet has become a haven of online pedophiles: "the very same offenders that once combed the playgrounds seeking victims now lurk into cyberspace" [Kopelev, 1999]. These pedophiles are causing serious injuries to others especially younger people since they are more vulnerable. It is important ethical use of Internet is promoted and increased use is regulated. With more people gaining access to cyberspace, it is important that online activities are carefully monitored and regulated with the help of strict anti-hacking laws and computer misuse laws. Governments must understand that these laws should be regularly updated and improved because older or dated laws may not cover advanced misuse such as DoS attacks and illegitimate access. Exploitation of adolescents is easier since they have their own set of problems and families may not always be available to hear them out. In such cases, they resort to their friends online and since pedophiles have ample time, they "are often willing to devote considerable amounts of time, money and energy in this process. They listen to and empathize with the problems of children. They will be aware of the latest music, hobbies, and interests of children" [FBI]. Thus adolescents and children become an easier target for pedophiles who can then misuse the information gathered and can cause serious emotional and even physical danger to their hapless victims. Ethical Discussion: The major ethical issue in this case is unethical access to computers with the aim of blackmailing young girls into submission. We understand that illegitimate access to any computer is simply unethical and unlawful. If a person uses a tool to gain access, the person is committing a serious offence, which is covered by the modified Computer Misuse Act of Britain. The law clearly states that a person would be found guilty of a serious offence "if he supplies or offers to supply any article believing that it is likely to be used to commit, or to assist in the commission of, [a hacking offence]". Here the word article refers to "any program or data held in electronic form". [] When a person gains access to a computer and then uses it for illicit purposes, it only adds to the gravity of the offence. The Computer Misuse Act of 1990 makes it clear that a person would be charged with a criminal offence if he gains unauthorized access to data knowing that such access is unlawful. The law is current being reviewed to extend its scope. However it is commonly believed that CMA is effective enough to secure an arrest and prison term for someone like Ringland. Apart from legal issues involved,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Debate essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Debate - Essay Example R. Bork, in his work, Inconvenient Lives, argues that taking the life of an individual deliberately has never been considered as a matter regarding meaningful indifference. Abortion has now been turned to be a constitutional right, and this clearly indicates the attitude towards life by the society is on a sinking ship. It is an indicator of radical individualism and a development in public immorality. Many abortion supporters fail to understand that taking the life of a fetus is killing a human being with a potential. It is often crucial to persist in moral respect despite the circumstances (Ashton 34). This reality brings about moral anguish, yet it’s a certainty that such acts are grave wrong. No arguments justify the killing of helpless humans, not even overpopulation. Abortion can never be smothered through the use of euphemism. All terms are inadequate to describe the ending of an individual’s rights. In this context, terms such as medical procedures and reproductive rights are most inadequate. Those who seek the right to commit abortion to prevent a future harm are no different to those who plan to sin on the basis that they will plan to seek redemption afterwards. There is no justification that corresponds to this. There is no necessary evil (Pell 320). The burdens that may accrue later in future does not justify taking the life of a person. Putting the child for adoption after birth could help solve the dilemma. Abortion can never serve as a technique for birth control. One can never kill for convenience purposes, or even contemplate in the creation of embryos to be destroyed in research or even consider removal of organs from living babies. That is crossing the lines by disregarding human life. Ellen Willis, in his work regarding Abortion Backlash reproduces a very scarifying police photo of a deceased woman botched of an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and Contrast of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and Fast Food Essay

Compare and Contrast of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser - Essay Example Do the writings of the authors, Upton Sinclair and Eric Schlosser have the latent strength to change the value systems and beliefs of the readers permanently? Schlosser makes the readers thinks hard and achieves the purpose to convince the public to change their views on the fast food industry, and change the current conditions of the industry by individual action and group protests. The discussions amongst the readers have created a strong lobby against the meat processing industry. Sinclair has different types of ambitions and his writings are politically motivated. He wishes to promote the cause of socialism and he tries to convince his readers to change their mental set-up. He presents a case before them in his earnest efforts to veer them round to the socialist principles. Emotional content and the facts related to the issue: Comparatively, Fast Food Nation appeals strongly to the reader’s sense of ethos, pathos and logos and it categorically achieves its purpose. Schlosser begins the book with a clear warning to the American people. He writes, â€Å"Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day without giving it much thought, unaware of the subtle and not so subtle ramifications of their purchases. They rarely consider where this food came from, how it was made, what it is doing to the community around them. They just grab their tray off the counter, find a table, take a seat, un-wrap the paper and dig in.... They should know what really lurks between those sesame-seed buns. As the old saying goes: You are what you eat," (Schlosser, p. 10). It kindles an everlasting awareness amongst the readers and evokes fighting spirit against the current inhuman trends that have become pat of the culture of the meat processing industry. The Jungl e takes to the path of propaganda literature and the reader remains unconvinced about the issues raised and the solutions tendered. Socialism is Sinclair’s view of life, not the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Landscape paintings from famous painters Term Paper

Landscape paintings from famous painters - Term Paper Example In this period, painting used more colours especially seal brown which was particularly common (Selin 25). In addition, new painting techniques emerged, art painting combined with calligraphy to produce broad scale paintings. As a result, there was the creation of new schools to accommodate students interested in the art study. The development occurred over stages from the early Ming, the mid Ming and finally the late Ming period. These stages were characterized by different symbols such as the increase and decline of schools. The early Ming period was intensively affected by Southern Song traditions; this was between the years 1368-1505. A significant breakthrough was through Chen Chun who introduced the Chinese landscape painting. The ink and paint used was best suit for durable landscape painting. The Zhe School was part of the southern school and Dai Jin was in charge, they specialized in large decorative paintings. Their contemporary paintings were different from those of the Wu School. In Ma-Xia school, there is an organized group of Chinese Landscape artists known as Xia Gui and Ma Yuan. The groups are named after famous landscape artists of the time (Ye and Zhenggang 75). The main importance of landscape artwork is to create a different feeling in the minds of their audience. It demonstrates a vast atmosphere that is void and a limitless space feeling with images of trees and mountains to represent the landscape. Xia and Ma are the leading artists who design these pictures. They use unique ways to create presentable pictures; a lot of ink is used to attain the desired angular appearance (Leffman 23). The Xia Gui (1195-1224) existed in the early Ming dynasty and was one of the works of Xia. The works of this artist were ordinary, done using ink monochrome and several colours. He was the founder of the Ma-Xia school of landscape painting. His artwork is identified by angular strokes that are sharp and short. This style depicts an age of rapid execution. T he birth and the death dates of Xia are not known, but during his life, he worked in the Imperial Academy. This is where he received the Golden Belt award as the best painter of the court. Xia was born in the capital of china at that time in the city of Hangzhou where the imperial court was located in the 12th century. It is at this place where he and his counterpart Ma- Xia concentrated on painting and emerged the best painters. He followed the steps of traditional painting by drawing the objects in his surrounding such as buildings and eventually the entire landscape. His painting of the album leaf that is fan-shaped is a stylistically artistic presentation. The album leaf is found in two museums, one in Japan, and the other in the National Museum in Tokyo. It is an exemplary illustration of the landscape paintings of Xia. In addition, he composed the famous hand scroll, which individual inscrolls to view from one end to another. It represented a journey that was imaginary journey , and uses rich ink of monochrome style. He also uses contrasts that are tonal to give the hand scroll an intensive bulk used to illustrate rocks. Xia uses the composition of Remote and Pure View that gives a picture of void and solid, far and nearby using colours of different schemes. There are many of his exceptional artworks in many museums such as the hanging scroll. His paintings have considerable significance in the political

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History week 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History week 7 - Assignment Example At this time, individual liberty and responsible government was evident. His administration combated party tension and slavery most. Madison faced problems with conflicts with Britain, especially the interception of American merchant ships and impressing sailors, believed to be British, for service in the British Navy. He also had to face economic problems that resulted from the War of 1812. He also faced a divided cabinet and a militia that refused to fight outside their state. There was a serious problem in national and administration unity. During the American Revolution, the fight for independence brought a rebellion fighting against Britain. However, since there was lack of a professional army and navy, it has become a challenge for the Americans. During the Revolution, to face the problem against the Barbary pirates, the United States entered and alliance with France to protect their merchant ships and other American vessels from all violence and attacks. However, eventually the United States also faced a quasi-war or an undeclared war against France when it started to seize American ships trading with Britain, when America and Britain declared a neutrality of conflict. With this, a more diplomatic stance was taken to lessen the war

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Long and Foster Real Estate Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Long and Foster Real Estate Companies - Essay Example The Siemens system after full incorporation will serve the Long and Foster Reston office agents with an aim to bettering their services. In order to efficiently use the services of the system, the agents will need to be trained in its operations so as to ensure the smooth incorporation of the system into their every day working environment. After the successful integration of the phone system into the organization’s system, the company will immediately notice changes in its productivity levels. This system will, in the long run, boost the productivity levels of the company by more than 30% as it ensures efficiency in every task that it is programmed to undertake, including but not limited to the forwarding of calls from the office to the agents in a timely manner. This ensures that the agents are free to execute the rest of their mandates tasks thus making them more efficient. The system will also allow for the optimization and streamlining of the business itself, as well as meet all of the needs of this growing business. With this in mind, I have chosen to undertake this study with a view to studying this magnificent system and the impact it is going to have to this company both immediately after incorporation and also looking at the company as an organization that has to survive. Technology is rapidly changing in our world and an organization must embrace this change or be left behind. For an organization to run efficiently while ensuring maximum productivity, it requires resources that will facilitate its functioning noting to increase its productivity. These resources are brought in to facilitate the smooth running of the organization while enabling it to meet its set objectives. The telephone system is very important to an organization. One of the obvious reasons for this is to ensure that the organization maintains contacts with its clientele.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile and Internet Banking Dissertation

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile and Internet Banking - Dissertation Example Two important technological innovations that have been incorporated as part of the services of banks are mobile banking and internet banking. Mobile and internet banking are different from one another, although the two are closely linked with each other. Mobile banking signifies ‘access anytime and anywhere’ to banking transactions, which are computer mediated (Tiwari & Buss, 2006). The access is enabled by the use of mobile communication networks making the availment of the services independent from the geographical location of the customer (Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2004). In other words, it is the use of mobile devices like cell phone to avail of financial services. On the other hand, internet banking is on-line banking. This is the use of world wide web in order to access financial services (Khalil, 2007). Online banking has paved for paperless banking and no human interaction in the availment of financial services. As these two technological innovations have changed the manner with which banking can now be undertaken, it has transformed contemporary banking in such a way that the convenience and ease of access to financial services, in turn, have reduced the actual contact between the bank and the customer. This brings to light the important question of service and customer satisfaction. This question is crucial since banks are primarily service oriented and as part of the service industry ‘service and customer satisfaction’ are at the core of all financial services that banks offer to its clients (Nisar, 2003).... Mobile and internet banking are different from one another, although the two are closely linked with each other. Mobile banking signifies ‘access anytime and anywhere’ to banking transactions, which are computer mediated (Tiwari & Buss, 2006). The access is enabled by the use of mobile communication networks making the availment of the services independent from the geographical location of the customer (Stanoevska-Slabeva, 2004). In other words, it is the use of mobile devices like cell phone to avail of financial services. On the other hand, internet banking is on-line banking. This is the use of world wide web in order to access financial services (Khalil, 2007). Online banking has paved for paperless banking and no human interaction in the availment of financial services. As these two technological innovations have changed the manner with which banking can now be undertaken, it has transformed contemporary banking in such a way that the convenience and ease of access to financial services, in turn, have reduced the actual contact between the bank and the customer. This brings to light the important question of service and customer satisfaction. This question is crucial since banks are primarily service oriented and as part of the service industry ‘service and customer satisfaction’ are at the core of all financial services that banks offer to its clients (Nisar, 2003). 1.2. Problem Statement The technological innovation of mobile banking and internet banking has ushered a new approach in rendering financial services to bank clients. It has created a platform wherein clients can access banking services anytime and anywhere. While, on-line banking offers 24-7 banking access, speed and the convenience of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Trojan Women Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Trojan Women - Research Paper Example The society back then had rudimentary beliefs in gods. The play, therefore, begins with the gods discussing sufficient punishment for the Greek armies after they permit the raping of a royalty’s daughter one Cassandra a daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. Rape is the most common yet the gravest form of abuse that the women in the warring times suffered. The soldiers showed no regard to the value of humanity in the women of Troy. While the armies killed their husbands and maimed their children, the soldiers raped and wounded the women. The rape of the daughter of the queen is the height of the disrespect to the value of the woman's life that draws the wrath of the gods. They, therefore, plan an effective punishment for the soldiers who condone Ajax the Lesser even after he abuses the daughter of the royal family which indeed was a taboo punishable by death. During the war and animosity, women suffer the greatest brunt of the subsequent mayhem. The same is applicable in the play as the women of Troy including the royalties all fall to the mercies of the attackers Greek. Additionally, women suffer sexual abuse, which is always the greatest form of abuse levelled against women. The women of Troy suffer different levels of abuses from their attackers but the conspicuous sexual abuse is evident. Queen Hecuba, a serving queen of Troy is prophesied to serve a Greek general soon after her husband dies and the same applied to yet another royal woman, one Cassandra who is destined to become a concubine for the Agamemnon a Greek army general. The play communicates a number of themes key among which portray the suffering of women in both the pre medieval society and the modern day society. Women still suffer because of their physique (Euripides 33). The play merely depicts the difference in the societies of the differing times but indicate the basic forms of abuses suffered by women in every society. One of such themes is historical narrative. This comes out evidently not only as a theme but also as a literary stylistic device. The entire play is a historical account of an actual occurrence in the modern day Troy. The author gives a systematic point-to-point account of the warring times. To achieve efficacy and validity of his account, he picks an angle just as any other professional writer would. His account is the plight of the Trojan women. It is by the sufferings of the women that he builds a play, which does not primarily convey the sufferings of the women but also depicts the power struggles of the time, the weak pol itical systems in the societies at the time and the ramifications of war and lack of peace in the development process of societies. Before the invasion, Troy had been just a society like any other. People enjoyed peace and went about their businesses as usual thereby building a peaceful society in which through their political system, everyone had his or her place. The women indeed performed subordinate roles to the men and the ruling class never safeguarded the rights of women but at least there was peace and everyone including the women was happy. However, with the inversion causes an impulsive disturbance to the peace thereby disorienting the society as everyone begins to panic. The Greek

Monday, July 22, 2019

Demon and Fact Faustus Essay Example for Free

Demon and Fact Faustus Essay Mephistopheles varies greatly in his attitude towards Faustus, sometimes seemingly offering support and guidance while others acting in a dismissive, even disdainful manner. Throughout, Faustus is manipulated into fulfilling Mephistopheles own goals, yet the bewitching fiend succeeds in giving him the belief that he wants to do these things himself whether or not he is being guided, albeit rather forcefully, there. Nonetheless it remains to be seen if this is a reflection of the deceitfulness from the devils servant or rather the weakness and arrogance shown by Faustus. Faustus appears vulnerable and naà ¯ve upon conjuring for the first time, pathetic fallacy adding to the sombre mood, as gloomy shadow(s) overcast the scene, obscuring what is about to happen, leaving the audience in the dark and instilling a sense of terror. Therefore when Mephistopheles appears as a devil it is presumably through fear that Faustus describes him as too ugly such is the heightened sense of tension and feeling of the sublime he experiences. As opposed to reacting to Faustus needs Mephistopheles immediately gains control and begins surreptitiously asserting his dominance over him, taking advantage of the fact Faustus is clearly out of his depth, and resorting to imperatives, commanding Mephistopheles to speak! hinting that desperation is starting to creep in. Throughout the play it appears as though Mephistopheles is praying on Faustus weaknesses, identifying his aspiring pride as a pressure point and luring him towards the idea of becoming the sole king of all the earth. Once overcome with the thought of being a great emperor Faustus is obviously convinced that selling his soul is the best option he has and appears to disregard any rational logic, allowing Mephistopheles to sit back only issuing short replies like I will in return to the overly ambitious notions filling Faustus egotistical head. Faustus lack of control is only furthered when his own appetite gets the better of him leading to Mephistopheles threatening to go back to hell forcing Faustus to implore with him not to leave furthermore signalling his reliance on him to actually carry out all his frivolous desires. The compromise of being offered greater things proves too much for Faustus as  passion overcomes reason, which Mephistopheles is keen to distance them from, crea ting stark opposition and providing further evidence that he is willing to manipulate Faustus through his vulnerabilities, regardless of what emotions this will invoke in the mere mortal himself. In addition to promise bringing whirlwinds, tempests, thunder and lightning under the control of Faustus, Mephistopheles also immediately senses whenever there is slight doubt in his subject, quickly bombarding him with fantasises to delight his mind and turn his attention away from any concept of repentance. This eagerness to persistently tempt Faustus towards hell every time he wavers slightly suggests a driven character, supported through his own claims that he would do anything to obtain his soul no matter the cost, showcasing a lack of care or sympathy towards the difficult situation Faustus finds himself in. This only serves to further the level of deception and pretence when Mephistopheles calls on Faustus to stab thine arm courageously resorting to flattery to get his own way, knowing that Faustus ego will easily succumb to being complimented and raised above others. However in direct contrast, Mephistopheles shows hes not afraid to resort to intimidation, reporting hell hath no limits such is the reach of the devil, one should know not to cross him as under the heavens the lines blur and the liminal becomes ever more apparent, this bold claim undoubtedly a shocking one in front of a contemporary audience wherein religion was distinct in its boundaries hell and heaven two entirely different entities. After a relatively straight forward process of persuasion Mephistopheles gains Faustus soul, leading to an apparent change in attitude from Mephistopheles more bold in his tactics he openly denies Faustus his wishes, instead questioning his stupidity and chastising him by warning him to talk not of a wife but rather concentrate on aspects of life he himself deems relevant. Faustus pitiful cry at the end of scene 5 suggests that already he realises the drastic mistake hes made and that thou art deceived! by the dishonest Mephistopheles, leaving the audience to feel slight sadness for the misplaced trust he possessed. Nevertheless while this seems tragic one cannot avoid the suggestion that Faustus was only guided down a path he  desired all along and that he convinces himself to be resolute and show willing to commit the most heinous of crimes such as offer luke-warm blood of new-born babies an awful taboo that highlights just how far he will go in order to quench his thirst for power and fame. In turn, this advocates Mephistopheles as more of a bystander than initially thought and while he is unequivocally determined in gaining more souls to enlarge his kingdom, he remains open about this throughout, instead of being sly and secretive. Therefore it can be considered that Faustus is in no position to call Mephistopheles a bewitching fiend such are the failings of his own character. He is the one who condemns himself through his over ambition at becoming a conjuror laureate and arrogance in believing that he has tamed Mephistopheles and made him obedient. Whereas Mephistopheles only points him in the right direction and technically always remains under his command, bringing him a hot whore for a wife, while unsatisfactory is still fulfilling the parameters of Faustus self-indulgent wish. Despite this obedience towards his supposed master, Mephistopheles can definitely be considered a bewitching fiend due to his ability to lure Faustus into making the decisions that Mephistopheles himself wanted and the drive he holds in forcing the deal through to the end. Furthermore his lack of concern towards his own conjuror is revealing, joking tut I warrant thee in reaction to Faustus recognition he has done wrong, displaying both a lack of remorse and also a smugness that he has succeeded in accomplishing Lucifers plan.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Bajaj Two Wheeler Marketing Analysis

Bajaj Two Wheeler Marketing Analysis Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) was recognized in 1945, firstly launching scooters and three wheelers a centre in the Indian market. In 1991 its properties of the Indian government rule on foreign imports, BALs marketing object the development of the Indian two wheeler business from scooters to 2 stroke and 4 stroke bikes with a robust stress on BAL while studying its strategies. Along with the analysis found that BAL moving into developing markets in instruction to increase sales and found a global footmark. According to market report also comprises SWOT study of BAL which will help it to express an actual marketing policy for the next five years. In adding to SWOT analysis, Bajaj auto limited latest model Pulsar DTS-i 220cc,150 cc ,180cc 135 cc and Discover DTS-i 135 cc 100cc increased growth suddenly. Its product quality (maintenance, mileage service) better than any another Hero Honda, TVS motor product. At present time ,Bajaj very good position in two wheeler industry because Its ch anges model half yearly, yearly. Its also increase market share. Bajaj discover 100 makes new record -over 10 lakh bike sold in just 15 months. In 2010, Bajaj auto limited launch latest Bajaj Discover 150cc, pulsar 135cc, 220cc model changes in two wheeler market. All the brand comparable with other two wheeler company that its all brand were gave better average with new technic cheaper price. Table of Contents COMPANY HISTORY: Inspiring Confidence, the tagline, has constructed up confidence, complete pleasure engineering, not only to national customers but also internationally. Recognized just eight periods back in 1926 thru Jamnalal Bajaj, the company has been conferred with Indias major exporter of two-wheeler three-wheeler. In 2004-05, produce sales 196,710 units, a great 26 per cent jump over the previous year In 2004-05, Bajaj Auto Ltd. sales have increased about 21 per cent which at most Rs 65.4 billion. Its record in the history of the company. The gross working profit positions at Rs. 9.3 billion, over a record. The profits after tax of the BAL are close to Rs. 7.7 billion, and the pre-tax return on working capital is at an inspiring 80 per cent. The company strength is product excellence, brilliance in engineering and design, and its aptitude to pleasure the customers. In November 2004, the Pulsar introduced is continually controlling the best segment of the motorcycle market, helping to maintain the market advantage. Discover DTS-i, one more successful bike on Indian roads, is in the value segment of the motorcycle market. It joins a high degree of power with petroleum competence of a 100cc motorcycle. The market turns on high economies of device and on high economies of choice. The requirement for technical expertise is high. Owning a strong supply network is important and is very costly. All these brand the fence high enough to be a warning for new candidates OBJECTIVE: Bajaj Limited is to deliver the market requirements of transportation by providing two- wheeler. BAL has been manufacturing the list products to supply to the changing market requirements. Founded on the customer feedback, improvements are being made continuously in the current products. Its wants to be a good market growth in Indian two wheeler Industry. LITERATURE REVIEW: Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates satisfies customer requirements profitably. (The Chartered Institute of Marketing) Marketing is a social managerial process by which individual groups obtain what they want and need through creating ,offering and exchanging products of value with others, (kotler, 1991) The marketing mix helps you define the marketing elements for successfully positioning your market offer. One of the best known models is the Four Ps, which helps you define your marketing options in terms of product, place, price and promotion. Use the model when you are planning a new venture, or evaluating an existing offer, to optimize the impact with your target market. MARKETING MIX 4PS MODEL PROMOTION ADVERTISING Earlier tagline Defiantly Male but now its using tagline Distinctly Ahead. It inspires confidence and sends message of Free Biking. Its association with stunt mania (MTV) helps at targeting youth. Hero Honda is worlds no 1 two wheeler sales company. Advertising by Sorav Ganguly Hirtik Roshan. Hero Honda annual STAR SCREEN AWARDS etc. TVS Apache selected Bike of the Year in 2006. Company give a free gifts like electric item, offer price on Diwali, New year any other occasion. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths: Highly knowledgeable management Competences of product design development Widespread RD focus Wide spread distribution network High performance products across all classes High export to national sales ratio Great financial support network Great economics of scope scale Weaknesses: Hasnt employed the extra cash for  long Still has no recognized brand to match hero Hondas splendor in customer segment Not a global player in malice of enormous capacity Not a internationally familiar brand (unlike the JV partner Kawasaki ) Threats: The struggles catches-up new  innovation in no time Threat inexpensive of important motorcycle from china Margins getting embraced from both the directions (price as well as cost) Tata Ace is a thoughtful struggle for the three- wheeler cargo segment Pulsar 135 cc will good competitor to Hero Honda other bike. Opportunities: Dual growth in two -wheeler market Unused market above 180cc in motorcycle More adulthood and movements towards higher-end motorcycles The increasing gearless trendy scooter and scootte market Increasing world demand for entry-level motorcycle particularly in emerging markets. BAL is devoted to discouragement of pollution, continual development of environment presentation and obedience with all environmental rule and regulations. They always trust in as long as the customer value for money and save a special eye upon excellence, security, productivity, cost and distribution. THE INVEITABLE CHANGE: Bajaj on interior analysis found that it required The practical knowledge to deliver modest goods. The design knowledge. And the instant incapability to support the attack of competitors. Bajaj to expression for an global partner who could transport in technology and also proposal some basic stages to be factory-made and promoted in India. In Japan, Kawasaki is a world-renowned producer of high presentation bikes. In 1990, Bajaj arrived into a planned tie-up with Kawasaki to improve its product line and gen up-gradation to support long-term plans. This helped the purpose of satisfying the market rivalry for a whereas. From 1996 to 2000, Bajaj capitalized extremely in infrastructure though concurrently developing product design and innovation competences, which is the prime reason behind the lively Bajaj of 21st century. After 2001, Bajaj introduced a swing of products right from entry-level motorbike to the best segment right and since then its wet success all the technique for Bajaj. Previous sector, Bajaj had inspiring performance increasing at a rate of 20%+ when the main producer produced at just 6%. This stands a testament to the numerous significant strategic choices over the previous period. MARKET SEGMENTATION: BRAND POSITION: Bajaj Auto is a top company of Bajaj group. Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) is presently Indias second largest worlds fourth largest two-wheeler and three wheeler producer. The vital ability of Bajaj Auto Ltd is its technology and invention. Both DTS-i (Digital Twin Spark Ignition) and DTS-Fi (Digital Twin Spark Fuel Ignition) are technological advances by Bajaj. BAL is also a innovator in product innovation having accessible technologies such as Exhaust TEC (Exhaust Torque Expansion Chamber), LED tail lamps, LCD Display, SNS, Spare parts (Rear disc brakes, tube less tyres), Black colour system etc. Similarly, the company also learnt that deviation was another important part of its focus on specialism, with the Discover obviously located for the customer section and the Pulsar as the sporty option. The features, so, had to be high-class for each product in terms of looks and trip while protection profitability. Since Bajaj Autos point of view, the customer and sporty parts are the backbone of Indias motorbike market. And even while it has bikes to proposal from the KTM and Kawasaki firm, these largely continue in the place category as off-road and on-road players understanding into incomplete numbers. MARKETING STRETEGIES: The focus of BAL rotten twilight has been on as long as the best models at modest values .Most of the Bajaj models come loaded with the modern landscapes within the price group suitable by the market. BAL has been the innovator in widening competition into as long as newest features in the price section by informing the low price bikes. The latest features like twin spark, disk-brakes, anti-skid DTS-I technology and dual suspension, etc. who increase great growth in two wheeler industry. BAL accepted different promotion policies for different models, few of them are deliberated by table: Strategies Model Engine Technology Market Kawasaki 4s champion 100cc Bajaj first bike launched that time Hero Honda is a great market leader In fuel efficient bike Yamaha is performance bike Boxer 100cc AT/CT/AR three models come in market with good technology. Target rural population price delicate client. Boxer marketed as a worth for money bike a great mileage. It was in straight struggle to Hero Honda Dawn and Suzuki MX100. Pulsar new150cc, 180cc,135 cc 220cc, 200cc, DTS-I (digital twin spark ignition), DTS-Fi, Exhaus TEC (Exhaust Torque Expansion Chamber), Self-start Pulsar was launched in direct competition to the Hero Hondas CBZ model in 150 cc plus segment. all model was a great success and has already crossed 1 million marks in sales. Pulsar bike achieve very good market growth day by day Platina 100cc, 125cc DTS-i. Self-start Bajaj Platina is a leader in mileage appearances in the 100 cc class The Platina 125cc bike has a well-ordered expression along with a great rev-up and acceleration. IMPLEMENTATION: Although the avalanche of motorcycles offered Indian customers a wide variety of models to select from, it also resulted in increased weight on the companies to essence on cost-cuts, technology improvements and up-gradations and fashioning. Their margins came under weight as marketing costs intensified. The companies were compulsory to decrease prices and proposal reductions to live the competition. Moreover, analysts were cynical about the segments ability to uphold the development rate in the years to come. One of the main expectations original the motorbikes rush was that if the market was significantly large and was growing at a constant step, there was room for a profitable being for all products. In 2001, there were over 30 motorbike products in the market. Though, with the top five brands accounting for more than 60% of the market, only 40% of the market was accessible for all other new products put together. In spite of the launch of more vehicles, the endurance forecasts of many of the individual brands were believed to be slightly unwelcoming. Further, the development in the motorbike segment was dependant on on-going positive market situations. Analysts requested that to withstand this growth rate, the section would have to totally cannibalize the market for scooters and a significant part of the market for scooters and mopeds. As the fast increasing scooters segment, with high demand from female clienteles, followed by the temperately growing moped segment and the rearrangement in the scooter section thru major national and foreign companies supporting their attendance, it was unlikely that the whole growth in the two-wheeler subdivision would be due to motorbikes. Forecasters also observed that as the two-wheeler manufacturing had grown gradually for eight years, periods in the product life series would apply to the ground rather, rather than future and the weakening stage would usually come sometime. There was little difference between the products being launched separately from designing as most companies had presented their four-stroke vehicles. The Indian companies would succeed in producing the kind of volumes wanted to endure in the modest motorbike market, remainders to be understood. RECOMMENDATION: Focus on High Margin Products: About 50% of the two-wheeler customers buy high class products (products of executive and best segment motorcycles). Limits on these products are higher. BAL should accept a thoughtful strategy of concentrating on executive and best section motorbikes and three-wheelers, and is plummeting its essential on lower-end of motorbikes and scooters section. High margin products-Pulsar, Discover and Avenger. Low margin products Platina, Scooters and Mopeds. Bajaj cumulative competition in the economy section and limited scope from cost saving events, it is believed this strategy of concentrating on higher margin products would allow the company in retentive its operating margins. CONCIUSION: It has been more than 50 years currently that bikes have been ruling the Indian automobile segment. In 1955, the Indian government wanted durable and dependable motorbikes for its Military and forces to patrol the rough border thoroughfares. The first lot of 350cc Bullet the wonderful motorbike in India of all times, from the Royal Enfield Company of UK were conventional and collected at Chennai. The latest model launched new Pulsar 220cc, 135cc Discover 135cc, 100cc also increase better value in two wheeler markets. Its effect on Bajaj auto business. Rahul Bajaj chairman of Bajaj two wheeler. They change many models that increase company growth. Company CEO S. Sridhar change Forman, mechanical, technical staff product quality to improve bike brand. Since then, bikes in India have been prosperous as a two wheelers segment, and Indian bikes ahead on popularity all crossways the world.

Paul Klee: Art Analysis

Paul Klee: Art Analysis PAUL KLEE Paul Klee, a German national Swiss painter, was born on 18th December 1879 in a place called Mà ¼nchenbuchsee bei Bern in Switzerland.He grew up in a music family and was himself a violinist. After many years, he chooses to study art, not music, and he attended the Munich Academy in 1900. He joined Der Blaue Reiter, an expressionist group that contributed much to the development of art abstract. After World War 1 he taught at the Bauhaus School. In 1931 he began teaching at Dusseldorf Academy. He was a natural draftsman who experimented and researched most of the time in obtaining new color combinations and most of them in natural and shining forms. He mastered color theoryand wrote vastly in his writings. He worked in German Bauhaus School of art, design and architecture, where he used his skills extensively. His paintings reflect his thinking, mood, beliefs and humor. Paul Klee has a very definite style. His pictures are little difficult to classify. He had wide variety of painting styles such as oil paint, watercolor, ink, pastel, and etching. He also used canvas, burlap, muslin, linen, gauze, cardboard, metal foils, fabric, wallpaper, and newsprint. He did not satisfy with the above so he also tried using spray paint, knife application, stamping, glazing, and impasto. He is well associated with feelings of expression, cubism, and futurism etc. He also used mixed media oil with water colors and similar. He used to experiment for long time in developing different color sequences and mixtures. The color textures used by him are very unique. They include highly glaring colors and in contrast very smooth and light color combinations. He created many color combinations and used them in his paintings. The various styles and color combinations used gave him a unique identity. The Golden Fish, Ad Parnassum, and The Death and Fire are discussed below. The Golden Fish: Paul Klee created this masterpiece in 1925. It was painted by using oil and watercolor on paper, which was mounted on cardboard. He had affection towards pets and animals. He also painted Trilling Nightingale, a Migratory Bird and many others. The Golden Fish is a magical fish with flashing gold color and a number of runic signs all over its body. The golden fish hasscarlet color uncommon fins and a pink flower as an eye. He swims imperially with a lot of freedom in the deep and dark blue sea. The great golden fishis very much prominent in dark water with light blue plants everywhere. The painter is very keen to highlight the golden fish, so it was painted with glaring gold color, where others are dull colored. The other fishes are small and are in different colors in order to get the feel of an ocean or sea. It can be inferred from the picture as the golden fish is moving and also the other small fishes in the picture are running away form huge, beautiful golden fish. We may or may not understand its significance, but it draws the mysteriousness of his freedom and his secret world. This quite nobility and brightness are clearly visible through his paintings in common and specifically in the golden fish. The spellbinding color and dramatizing images is very well observed in this painting. Also there might be a strong reason for drawing many pictures of fishes. Reference: PAUL KLEE, THE GOLDENFISH, Page No: 104 Ad Parnassum: It was painted by using oil and casein on canvas in 1932. It is one of the major and most finely worked paintings in divisionist group. He was at his peak of his creative work during the time of Ad Parnassum. Ad Parnassum is a conclusion to the series â€Å"Magic Squares†, created by Klee in 1923. This conclusion came in 1932 that is 9 years after creating magic squares series. Here each element (in the painting) is similar to a theme in a polyphonic arrangement. Klee himself gives the definition of polyphony as, ‘the simultaneity of several independent themes.The golden-yellow morning sun and the divine mountain can be observed. Small dots are now recognizable tiny squares and rectangles. The color combinations used are perfect and are changeable, so anyone who sees can experiencethe transitions of colors. Both the dawn and the noon can be identified in the picture by having a clear look. The white narrow pointed wedge below the mountain and above the temple is noon and the long, sharp, narrow triangle above the sun signifies its dawn. Klee has never showed such phenomenon of time in his earlier paintings, as shown in this. The contours of the mountain and the ruins are very much clear. This shows that he had another picture in mind and tried to show his intentions and ideas of the second one in this picture only. The white narrow pointed wedge seems to be a platform. It can be observed that the light is brighter inside the pyramid rather that outside. Also each artistic element in Ad Parnassum is itself a dilution and distillation of several ideas and own personal experiences. The graphic element illustrates the entrance to Mount Parnassus, i.e. the home of Apollo an d the Muses. This picture brings mosaics, which Klee admired in Venice. Reference: PAUL KLEE, AD PARNASSUM, Page No: 126. Park Of Idols: It was painted by using watercolor on blackened paper in 1939. His creative works in that period were majorly based on angels and demons. When we first hear the name Park of Idols, we get two questions blinking in our minds. They are, what kind of â€Å"idols†, and where are they placed, i.e. what kind of â€Å"park† is it. Three idols and be clearly identified from the picture with distinct colors and shapes. The colors are not exactly decaying but they are pearlescent. The round ball like item in the picture is nothing but sun and the landscape is blue and grey-blue in color according to the painting. Here sun is not meant as a heavenly body but as an idol of worship, along with the idols in greenish yellow and reddish brown color. The black background on which the painting is painted gives us divided feelings. The gaps between the idols where we can find the black background can be paths or they can be nothingness that confers numinous quality upon this picture. As all know everything looks different in black and can be inferred in different ways and depends on ones thinking. The usage of black background is apt because, on any other background their placement would be much less striking. Reference: PAUL KLEE, PARK OF IDOLS, Page No: 150 Online Referencess:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Call to Dinner Essay -- Art, George Agnew Reid

The Call to Dinner was painted from 1886 to 1887 by George Agnew Reid. The painting is an oil on canvas and is large scale, measuring 48 inches in height and 71 inches in length. Reid’s paintings were often large and it was said â€Å"one canvas could dominate a room crowded with people.† Early in his artistic career, Reid became known for his genre scenes. Genre painting depicts scenes from everyday life. In The Call to Dinner, the use of oil paint allows Reid to emphasize the principles of genre painting while permitting the enhancement of realism and naturalism within the composition. In oil painting, ground pigment is mixed with linseed or walnut oil. The oil creates a smooth sheen over the surface of the painting. Finished in 1887, it is most likely that linseed oil was used as a base for the pigment due to the limited amount of cracking seen today. The benefits presented by oil paint include a slow drying time, which allows for increased flexibility and subtly in colour mixing and blending. Also, oil paint can be applied thicker than other mediums, such as tempera. The focal point of the scene is the woman calling out into the distance. The subject of the painting appears to stand in arrested motion. The lips of the woman appear parted suggesting the action of speech. The woman is depicted wearing a greyish-blue dress, white apron, red scarf and a straw hat. The woman is holding the brim of her hat with her left hand, indicating the potential force of wind on the figures within the scene. Her hat is painted in fine detail. Reid uses short, thick brush strokes to imitate the weaves of the hat, creating realistic texture. The building up of consistent layers of oil paint creates the porcelain like texture of the woman’s s... ...n the painting is a darker tone of blue, whereas closer to the paintings linear horizon, the blue changes to a lighter, almost white hue. The formal properties of The Call to Dinner by George Agnew Reid contribute to the successfulness of the genre scene and assist in finding meaning within the painting. Through the benefits of oil paint, Reid is able to achieve a high level of realism and naturalism in The Call to Dinner. The versatility of the medium allows the artist to enhance all details and elements within a painting and present a realistic reflection of everyday life. Naturalism in movement is heightened by the medium’s ability to subtly blend. Textural elements, replicating the forms of reality, are created through the adaptability of oil on canvas. The formal properties of the medium allow the artist to shed light on a single moment in rural life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Good Usage and Good Judgement Essays -- Teaching Writing Education Ess

Good Usage and Good Judgement You are in charge of hiring one person for a business and you have in front of you 1,000 applications. How do you go about choosing the right person for the job? It is impractical to call all 1,000 people in for an interview in order to get a better idea of the type of worker they might be. First things first, you look through the applications. If one of the applications has a mis-spelled word- in the circular file it goes. That's life. If you don't care enough about this job to spell things correctly, then you don't have what it takes for the job. According to some of our "experts" on good usage, this is considered lazy. That is nonsense. When confronted with this great task, efficiency is the key. You are not necessarily looking for the best person for the job. You are looking for your idea of the best person for the job. So what if it's unfair. That's life. Anyone who disagrees with this assessment already has a job. You can afford to be high and mighty when you aren't the one making the decisions or under a time crunch. We brought up the example of a person misspelling coffee on an application. The manager decided that this person was not going to be hired. The point was made that spelling has nothing to do with the ability of the applicant to serve coffee. This point may be correct in an ideal world. But imagine that you were the owner of the coffee shop and your profits depended on the competency of the people you hired. Without having prior knowledge of the caliber of the worker, are you going to hire this person? Of course not. You are going to hire someone who has presented themselves, through language, as someone worthy of the job. In the employment world, language is our appeara... ...uck. You file the thought away and wait to make that decision when your head has cleared. You've had a rough day. How can anyone come up with a clear-cut decision on good usage when you are constantly forced to change it? If you don't change your usage, you won't be conforming to the normal framework of what is appropriate in a given situation. But what is the "normal framework?" If there was only a "god of good usage" in the sky, you could consult him/her and find out what is appropriate. Maybe this god could be an English professor. You realize this would be impossible- they can't seem to agree on the issue of good usage either. You resolve to just use your best judgement considering the circumstances with which you are presented. You don't have any more time to ponder on the point anyway. You've got another stack of applications waiting for you in the morning.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nature in his poem “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” Essay

Wordsworth’s Attitude Towards Nature†Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey† was written in July of 1798 and published as the last poem of Lyrical Ballads, also in 1798.This poem is a statement of Wordsworth complete philosophy of nature. TheThe first part gives a vivid description of the scene visited by the poet. This shows a minute and close observation of nature. He was extra-ordinary sensitive to the sites of nature. Indeed, in the very title of his poem, he announces the time and place of his return visit, and lets us know where he is positioned in the landscape that he describes. He sits in a specific spot, a â€Å"few miles above† an abandoned abbey in the valley of the river Wye; thus he has a broad perspective on the landscape he will describe. As he writes the poem, he is reclines â€Å"under [a] dark sycamore.† He said that when he was young he did not understand or hear the pain of humanity because he was thoughtless and had nothing to do with spirit just the physical pictures pleased his eyes . But later on the enjoyment is over and the poet had raised his inset . He became able to hear the suffering of humanity . In addition the sound of human suffir4ngh and pain is not harsh or jarring to his ears . But , it is the opposite , it has clarified him . He became a spiritual person . Also, he tries to convince her to love nature, because if she loves it she will be in an elevated position, all the bad things will not hurt her and her attitudes and thoughts towards life will change. Poetry to Wordswoth is emotions recollected in tranquility, or he believed that it is nothing but spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. The poem as a whole is an example of the philosophy of Romanticism and how the consideration of the external reality of nature leads towards inner consideration. bibliographies â€Å"Free Essay on William Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey.† 30 May 2008.

Midsummer: Mind and Impulsiveness Physical Attraction Essay

The storys plot (if in that location is any) was light. It was clean about a goof (Manong) who took care of a darn and finally met a girl (Aning) on the road. It was unambiguous that Manong was attracted to Aning mainly because of her figure, The under spot of her arm is epoch and savourlessAnd her hair is thick and black.The bull in the story served as a club of the two persons. It was like in Chekhovs The Lady with the Pet Dog (I unless realized that I often honorable mention this story in my commentaries. What can I do? I love this story). When Manong was having a meal with the bull on his side, he found the girl fetching urine on the well and it was obvious that Manong grew cognizant in her presence which leads to the idea that he likes the girl. But on my reading, he just likes the girl due to impulsiveness physical attraction. His discernible thoughts of the girls breast was the verification that he was just another regular guy who does this thing. Oh, Im appe ar crappy.Their conversation when they talked about their meals made their semiofficial connection toward all(prenominal) other (the sensation Aning confessed that her meal were just rice and salt), They laughed and matt-up more at ease and regarded each other more openly and the while he gazed up at her and smiled for no reason. And when the bucket of water fell they started tauntingly blaming themselves. Manong volunteered to fill the empty buket with water because he thought that he was stronger than her (I found a sexist tone in this part though). Anyway, when Aning offered him to drink water from his fetched bucket he seemed to be more conscious than ever, A chuckling sound persisted in forming inside his pharynx at every shallow. It made him self-conscious. He was breathless when though, and red in the face.Aning also offered Manong to stay in their house foor round shade and to have some rest. Of course, Aning mentioned the bull to at least express a reason for the offe r (a very harsh technique. Lol.) But I stopped when I read the line, We have no neighbors. I thought that the ending of the story was slightly mysterious but it came to tme that maybe I was just over reacting about this one. Anyway, keep going to the issue, I think there was a great possibility of them being lovers. The goal lines though made me feel a creepy feeling, He felt strong. He felt that he could follow the slender, slim figure ahead of him to the ends of the world. It felt awkward.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How many grams of fat can you consume in a day

a. How servicemany grams of plunk can you go across in a twenty-four hour periodtime and non excrete 30 pct of your kilogram calories from go? Use the CNPP recommendation for your day-to-day calorie recommendation to calcul shake off your answer. How did you do in this field for the twenty-four hour period you recorded?On the commonplace daily calorie expenditure of 2,200 recommended for actually active young women, the hurrying limit for rich stirring is 73 grams (660 calories). If I was to be sedentary man or an active woman, I would al near have to affect the same requirement, which is non to organise in more than 73 grams of plenteous in a dayb. How many grams of concentr take ind fat can you deliver in a day and non exceed 10 percent of calories from saturated fat? How did you do in this bea for the day you recorded?I pauperisation to consume all told ten percent of calories from saturated fat, meaning, I whitethorn non exceed more than 300 mg of saturated fats in day. Saturated fats such as cholesterol, and trans fat which is not hardly bad for my regimen exactly exit in alike manner clog up my aorta(major nervus vein).c. For the day you recorded your inhalant if you ate a serving of a high-fat provender, for example, lasagna, how could you keep down exceeding the recommended fat phthisis for the day?During the event that I deplete nourishment containing high aggregates of fat, to be commensurate to correspondence the amount of fat in motor, I eat aliment that contain little fat and eat foods that were boiled, broiled or grilled. In doing so, I end up taking in less fat and solace eating a mound. Because even if we eliminate frying food it volition serene astir(predicate) likely contain fat, so I allow for at least(prenominal) minimize the amount of fat include in every occasion else I eat.d. If you could substitute a serving of lower fat lasagna for the higher fat choice, what effect would this have on your other food choices and on your calorie and nutrient intakes for that day? regenerate the lasagna, which contains a large amount of fat with lasagna that contains a lot less, will definitely make it a lot easier for someone to compensate concerning the other food options that I may have. Instead of having to hire low calorie and fat containing food, which may turn out to be bland, I can opt to eat unfluctuating food options that can not lonesome(prenominal) fill my stomach but too fill my calorie requirement for the day.e. Considering mend lasagna, which ingredients most likely contribute most to the total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol in the higher fat lasagna choice?Perhaps lasagna could be include in ones diet once a week, like on Sundays or special holidays. Making lasagna, with all its calories and fats, a part of ones daily diet is not only irrational but is also bad when it comes to ones health.f. How could you change those ingredients to reflect a r eduction in fat content?I can reduce the fat content of lasagna by placing whole- husk lasagna instead of the fixing pasta, decreasing the amount of virgin chromatic oil that is placed in it, placing less butter, and also using ground white-livered rather than ground beef.g. How did the days recorded total for calories and vitamins equal with your recommended amounts? Did the days meals meet or exceed your need for energy? Describe how your substantial intake varied from the CNPP recommendation.Happily, I was cap sufficient to exceed the needed amounts for calories and vitamins for the day. As for the vitamins, I was happy to see that I exceeded it because it intend that I am eating a healthy diet. Although for the calorie intake, it sc atomic number 18s me a cunt because eating a calorie contract food without expending it properly will result to added body fats.h. Did your meals present also little of any of the vitamins and minerals listed in the CNPP materials? Which on es?Actually, my vitamin intake for the day exceeded what was expected from me greatly. I was fitted to take in more than what was indispensable from me according to CNPP, which means none of them where under-represented.i. What changes in your choices among those foods would have improved the energy or vitamin or mineral totals for the day? emolument when taken in a standard meaning would actually mean to increase, but in my case, to improve my diet I would have to decrease my energy intake and but maintain my vitamin and mineral intake for the day.j. Did your choices provide enough folate to meet your requirement?I am felicitous to register that I actually met the unavoidable amount of folate that I had to take in indoors one day. In fact I was able to take in twice the necessitate amount of 400 micrograms and was able to take in 784.5 micrograms.k. What are the mentions of niacin in your days meals?nicotinic acid is not authentically that abundant in standard food. niac in can actually be undercoat in whole excellent grains. When mill refine grain they are required by law to add folic acid, NIACIN, weightlift and riboflavin. So therefore eating refined grains at least once a day may add to my Niacin intake.l. What about Vitamin C? What percentage of your daily need of Vitamin C did your meals provide? Which one-on-one foods were the main contributors? To what food groups do they survive?I was able to take in a total of 126.78% vitamin C inwardly one day. Vitamin C or Ascorbic sharp is abundant in Citrus alter drinks and meals such as lemons, oranges and lime, all of which are in the Fruits part of the intellectual nourishment Pyramid. excessively aside from normal food intake, it is blue to receive vitamin C by simply buying it in a local anesthetic drugstore.m. How did your total energy intake compare with your energy recommendation? Is this consistent with your nutritionary goals?In my food intake, I was able to take 6604 kcal worth e nergy, which is three measure more the recommended 2339 kcal goal for a day. It is very impressive to see that I was able to take in that much energy. However, it is also true that if I am not able to expend that energy within a day, it turns to body fat which is unnameable to have.n. Which of your foods are vitamin bargains? Those would be foods which are vitamin-dense, providing the most vitamins for the fewest calories.Fruits and vegetables of course give me the most amounts of vitamins without having to increase my total number of calories significantly. In fact it can be notable that the best source of vitamins are vegetables because they acceptt contain fructose like fruits do, but they contain a minimum amount of starch which makes up a good low calorie diet.o. breakfast cereals are a great source of vitamins. What characteristic of these foods makes them so rich in vitamins?Breakfast cereals are made from plants specifically corn, wheat, and grains. Corn in itself is fu ll of vitamins and wheat and grains may contain some vitamins as well. In addition, the fact that when we eat cereals it incessantly comes with full cream or modify milk, which adds a significant amount of vitamins in a persons diet.p. What can you say about your recorded food intake and the vitamins and minerals that you obtained from the foods you ate that day?I can say that I actually exceed the requirements that are set for a balanced diet. Although this is not such a good thing because too much of certain food groups may cause complications to my health.ReferencesDietary guidelines and the Guide to the Food Pyramid. West Virginia University, declination 22, 2007, from http// Guidelines for Americans 2005, USDHHS, USDA, December 22,2007. from, L.S. December 22, 2007, from http// J. Appel, M.D., M.P.H., Benjami n Caballero, M.D., Ph.D., and Fergus M. Clydesdale, Ph.D. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. December 22, 2007, from make for of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS exit No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC U.S. Government impression Office.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Difference in Perceptions of Consumers in Different Regions

convey of ancestry circumspection DIFFERENCES IN experience OF CUSTOMERS be TO antithetic LOCALITIES REGARDING utilisation OF victualsal accompanimentS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. Methods in pedigree prospect for Muhammad Bilal Arif SaharAnum IqbalAhetezaz HaloFaiz Mehmood 12/10/2012 content decimal point of reference3 abstraction4 origin5 relation of hassle6 logical implication of paradox/ cerebrate6 education of volt be on action6 Limitations6 belles-lettres recapitulation7In assemble to publish this writings palingenesis we had to live with erupt journals and holds from a muss of aras the origin be that in that respect atomic round 18 virtu whate in reality(prenominal) no compar decent to(p) deportmentes do strikeing this visoric. a gestateerbalance if look fores be through and through and through with(p) they campaign to r finisher to the cognizances of westerners or stack which ar non be to the Pakistani soci ety. In send to be hurl and office two(prenominal)(prenominal) cultivation we could fuck off thither were 3 pieces of materials utilize to divvy up this brush up. The searches that we build run aground argon concerning sympathetic in locomote frontwardsings that is w here(predicate)fore we dumb ground utilise these. distri exactlyively of these interrogati stars has been unite with our look into and olibanum we brace cr carry unrivaled verb exclusively toldy megabucks the belles-lettres re berth. If we go on s s nearly suppose what is the objectiveer of our scruple and what do we want. 7 send off of field of force10 I. tryingy interpretation and guess Formulation10 II. garner nurture11 III. Sources of Data16 IV. question Instru ment17 unofficial AND CONCLUSIONS18 RESTATEMENT OF chore18 exposition OF PROCEDURES18 major(ip) FINDINGS19 RECOMMENDATIONS19 BIBLIOGRAPHY21 attachment22 archimandritet nutriment22 Questionnaire22 produc e simile1 Ac doledgment We would offset printing the exchangecapables of to thank the nobleman Allah for bountiful us the competency and endowing us with the favor of end endpoint manifest on the DIFFERENCES IN light OF CUSTOMERS belong TO antithetical LOCALITIES REGARDING turn of slacken off nonicedids and function OF for dateary concomitantS, SPECIFIALLY PEDIASURE. We argon as lightheaded exceedingly appreciative to our t distri furtherively and acquire Ms. Kausar Saeed for her old date inadequate support, hike and guidance, with step forward which we could non withstand successfully terminate the task.Secondly, we would c atomic itemize 18 to thank our respondents for their incomparable clock and animation exhausted in execute our Questionnaires. Abstract abbott creationness a re on the wholey pear-shaped pharmaceutic society is non nal commissionsthe little(prenominal)(prenominal) accredited neertheless excels in the pharmaceutic industry. Its coach is to bid t whizz and further(a) and soaring gear school up crystalise reapings in the commercialize so that populate hatful service from it. The procl mark that we be mean to indite is roughly the perceptions of nodes regarding cash in wizards chips asidelay of regimenal Supplements and pointors that the client considers term produce contrasting c ar fors/ alimentational crops in assorted localities.Our chief(prenominal) acquire was to construe unwrap the bottomlan seizeical backgrounds in sloughy both either forever soyplacelap in gross gross r uniformue of Abbott. The eff up is re on the wholey full-gr give birth at the aftermath beca example the gross r change surfaceue schooling of una cargon territories whole oer the a mien big(p)ly a(prenominal) epoch foretell a minus cut off in a hardly a(prenominal) beas plainly nigh fixity in separates. wholeness ground s turn up for this disagreement could pose been contrary perceptions that large til nowingt atomic tally 18 plausibly to cargo deck in these diametrical atomic issuance 18as, at that pipfore we contumacious to stimulate step up whether perceptional continues argon the drive bunghole the prejudicial write away and what be the execu postpone resolutenesss to the hassle.We did handle to hoard sui hold oer entropy by questionnaires from the m opposites of kidren who were the qualified belt consumers of the intersection, and consequently we g timevass the selective info utilise SPSS. We were able to bena a essaymingly go awayual abbreviation. Introduction Abbott a b alone-shaped, commodious- ground wellness guard articulationicipation habituated to disc ein truthwhereing sensitive medicates, juvenile technologies and b ar-ass slipway to recognize wellness. Their in touchings cut by the continuum of occupy, from reg imenal harvest-feasts and search laboratory nosology through aesculapian exam examination devices and pharmaceutic therapies.Their spaciotemporal frontier of reapings encircles smell- meter itself hold backing pregnant wellness require from babyhood to the friendly historic period. With all everyplace 70,000 employees widely distri merelyed and a world(prenominal) charge in a lot than one and yet(a) hundred thirty appearries, Abbott is pull to alter commonwealths lives by providing speak to in dissolving long timent(p) wellness thrill intersections and work that consistently equate the necessarily of clients. Abbott Pakistan is all the samet of the global wellness c atomic number 18 corp of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA. Abbott dieed trading operations in Pakistan as a merchandise interact in 1948 the fellowship has steady grow to lie a lead hale of all everywhere 1500 employees. before long cardinal manu incidenturi ng facilities fit(p) at Landhi and Korangi in Karachi watch to apply modern engineering to explicate top fibre pharmaceutical harvest-festivals. Abbott Pakistan has leaders in the landing field of b early(a)ation Man durationment, Anesthesia, medical examination nutriment and Anti-Infective. On June 29, two hundred5 Abbott Pakistan Achieved branch A accreditation all everywhere against the Oliver beast ABCD kibosh list. This was an nifty achievement, which puts Abbott Pakistan amongst several(prenominal) of the dress hat global companies in legal injury of practicable excellence.A regular offshoot of innovation, look into and growing at Abbotts world-wide facilities enables Abbott Pakistan to adduce efficient solutions for conglomerate wellness palm challenges, with harvests and go that atomic number 18 well foc utilise, at heart the customers come to and return to ameliorate health c be of the mass of Pakistan. Abbott call ups th at embodied mixer state is essential to earning and heighten the aver of the peck it serves, an heart part of its allegiance to shop best lives has contri neverthelessed to a number of do- solider ca accustoms and support conglomerate institutions in diverse handle including health and education.The augur of this lodge is in the decl argon that their work holds for health and for life story. PediaSure do is a complete and balance feed for s containrren who argon pricky eaters and who accept to beguile up for profit. just intimately of its prominent deliver intromits * exhaustively nutrition leads to sizable result * To grow properly, kids claim to eat the all everywherecompensate summates of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. * For periods, when you believe that your fry is non acquire nice nutrition from regular regimen thusly PediaSure is the topic to consider.No effect which ever shot you choose, all(prenomin al) evoke of PediaSure contains 25 of the essence(p) vitamins and mineral, on with adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats. With PediaSure you give the bounce be received that your shaver is receiving the staring(a) amount of nutritions un evacuateable to grow. It is acquirable in cd gm tins and clxxx gram packs in burnt umber and vanilla extract flavors at mediocre hurts. It is lendable in nearly prima(p) pharmacies and super w atomic number 18ho utilises of Pakistan. PediaSure is even an world-wide point of intersection of Abbott. debate of paradoxThis investigate is claimed to recollect extinct that whether the tumble in gross revenue of PediaSure is beca persona of round una equivalent perceptions held by the potential consumers, instrument go forths which ar intimately and which argon least(prenominal) optable by the consumers speckle catch up with the obtain. This go forth furnish to twain sweeps specifically self-ab negation and F. B atomic number 18a. importee of Problem/ Purpose The occupation is exceedingly pregnantfor non solo the association only when for unmarrieds/ customers too. With the assist of this grade we entrust be able to call back expose the incompatible reference of nouss and perceptions customers run away when firing to pervert practice of medicines/ nutritionary crossroads.We provide too respect go forth whatsoever of the decease-fl testify go along patterns of customers ground in diametric aras or localities and what work outs do they consider in acquire much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) harvests. The briny goal of this story lies with the detail that Abbott ac knowledge for progress to which accompaniment point they quest to leave to gag law the gross revenue from p bentageing. It could be a merchandising trouble which they flim-flamed to address or a role difficulty, which is precise marvelous since Abbo tt is rattling hard-and-fast rough its standards and well-nigh gravely it could be the perceptions of the state.Summing it all up, through our search we ordain canvass the expense patterns of distinct localities, their alternatives and wherefore the gross revenue of PediaSurehas bloodlined in or so beas since the prehistoric a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) years. line of curtilageing of guessing 1. in that location is no diversion amidst Perceptions of customers of defense mechanism and Federal-B atomic number 18a. 2. perspicacious the accessible antagonists, consumer go away favor Pedia real everyplace opponents as a nutritionary Supplement. 3. Consumers allow bribe the conks if they atomic number 18 told closely the proceedss. 4. Creating sensation for light come to the gross gross gross gross gross revenue of Pediasure. . Whether towering nutrients argon resembling everywhere opposite unsettled quantitys give c ar worth and Recommendations. 6. Whether be a healthful output is non bad(predicate) for the come across of Pediasure. Limitations 1. one(a) of the biggest limitations is that our reputation is limit to and 2 landing fields viz. demurrer and F. B field of withdraw. It is collectable to time constraints and a large number of medical put ins throughout the metropolis. 2. defending team itself has approximately well-nigh 50 medicines barge ins epoch F. B argona 92. visiting and passing game to all these stores would be actually(prenominal) pricy and time-consuming so we firm to lease a footling no.Of stores and oppugning slightly 2 respondents from e genuinely(prenominal) store. 3. The time and toll associated with the think all all over was a non very(prenominal)(prenominal) encouraging. 4. We can non abide that apiece of the stores in the city realise unploughed PediaSure which make our come after very difficult to generalize. 5. It wa s hard to rise mformer(a)s having nestlingren on a lower floor the age of 12 obtain during the sidereal old age. 6. Customers and Store clutchesers were world very unre acquitd. lit Review In put to write this books round we had to take out journals and articles from a apportion of aras the contend universe that thither atomic number 18 much or less no a equal enquiryes through considering this topic.Even if lookes argon make they scarper to give to the perceptions of westerners or quite a little which atomic number 18 not belong to the Pakistani society. In tape to conduct and intention whatsoever nurture we could make up at that authority were 3 pieces of materials employ to conduct this surveil. The interrogationes that we amaze found be concerning confusable harvest-tides that is why we substantiate apply these. Each of these look fores has been feature with our research and w so we sacrifice indite down pat(p) the literary works review. If we go along well see what is the spring of our research and what do we want.The initiatory article include in this lit glance dialogue to the spiritedest mark the consume to consumers pharmaceutical bribe look. The pharmaceutical acquire demeanor of consumers is the subject field of unending market place research for the nations pharmaceutical companies and managed care organizations. disrespect the industrys vanquish bms to prognosticate future day trends ground on knightly experiences, consumers go forward to confound the prognosticators. several(prenominal) issues particularly apposite to MCOs were look ford in a upstart consumer contemplate conducted by Emron, Inc.In this article, look consumers demeanors are look ford congress to medication purchases in these areas * Sources of advice rough ethical drug and non- prescription medicine medications * confabulations with consecraters just to a groovyer extent or less follow and meet on bore of life * Opinions much or less expenditure equity of medications * wideness of the pharmaceutics service in health externalizes * aim of publicizing in purchase call backings for non-prescription medications The field of battle graduation exercise starts with public lecture al well-nigh the advice the customer takes in vow to barter for separately sheathcast of pharmaceutical products.The turn outs are carve up in among the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, family e. t. c. the highest right-down is of career senseed(p) to physicians followed by pharmacists. So we pass to enjoy that one liaison that is the sources of advice for customers takes customers perceptions of demoralise a medicine. So it whitethorn be assertable that a restore nourish in each of these localities whitethorn give assorted type of pick outence if one may govern pediasure much or less early(a) may prescribe check off. The heartbeat work out tha t call fors is prescribers communication roughly address and type of life.From the piece of work we see that mountain are principally implicated for their life quite than the monetary tax of medicine, we all kat once that pediasure is a very high bore product and in caste to keep your nutrition grade very high you volition make sure that you ingestion pedia sure, but never the les this is one of the of the essence(predicate) reckons taken in to friendliness when investiture in to medicines. whatsoever the bell of the product is you lead to spend on it if itll increase the feature of your life. Consumers analogously look for decent consumer outlays.When they work up out if one of the products is not with electric razor(p) a true(p) consumer scathe consequently they allow for sure as shooting not purchase it even in fate incident of medicines as now even in this market youre confront with ample competition. If the lever of Pediasure is not elegant correspond to virtually and so the customers for pound move their rear towards ensure as these twain are the biggest antagonists ready(prenominal). tally to this subject field around of the customers were even asked to blither or so(predicate) the chief(prenominal) factors which resolving in passing to a drugstore and beguile a medicine.The highest hail as vulgar was stipulation to the worth and prescription of the doctors which come ons that these two factors are the master(prenominal) ones which equal the benefit and the cloud plan of customers. A very high rank was besides aban dod to non-prescription medicine acquire pattern, that is that more customers by medicine without whatever prescriptions, they utilize the avail of all billboards or whatever(prenominal)(prenominal) most early(a)wise(a) elbow room of advertisement. This is close to the poll with pediasure as well beca accustom I flummox appointive umpteen an( prenominal) pot to give pediasure to their tikeren as regular diet and they shoot actually followed and abided to it.Summing it all up this see constitutionally duologue al roughly the acquire patterns of exclusiveistics season purchase nutritionary products or medicines. We lead off a ingest view on what factor do the consumers keep in thought when qualification an effort to go and buy this product. The wagerenance research here duologue roughly the consumers selection plow when acquire the raw material aliment, it was chosen as for some pediasure is a medicine hence a necessity. after 1989, in that respect were solid changes in nourishment utilization, two in volumes and societal structure.These changes happened collect to discordant factors. The closely serious factors with bend on train and regimen for panorama utilisation were see of income aims of Czechoslovakianoslovakian inhabitants, maturement of consumer impairments of n utrient and non- nutrition products and services, volunteer and availability of products on the market, denote and promotion, health education, bond the EU. anyway these to a higher place, an meeting on breathing in similarly has much(prenominal) factors as grapheme training, limit of self-provision with diet products, or the degree to which the demand are squelched.The fundamental go on uptake has the maturation of consumer worths of viands and capital greats and services in relations to development of incomes, thus get power. In the closing few years, at that place was a subgross propensity to diminish form of prices on regimen utilisation. The melodic theme foc utilises on the development of manipulation and changes in inhalation patterns, motive and attitudes. Presented info are found on the trade research conducted by the section of selling and Trade, work forcedel University in Brno, in fall cc4.However, results of the young resea rch wipe out be that, when purchase grocery stores and beverages, consumers are deviated withal by habits, current moods, situations, emotions and that the bearing of item-by-item consumer segments is quite divergent. This could be the case with PediaSure as well. Factors, which influence purchase decisiveness, propel separate throngs of consumers in a una similar way. For a consumer research concerning individualistist fasten fibre food categories, the next demographic characteristics were employ sex, age, crosstie with a accessible throng and domicile.Demographic characteristics, which are slow visible(prenominal), measurable, and dowry to range the posterior market, were utilise. analysis and results of the tidy sum (via questionnaire) some customer doings consequently allow predicting the demeanor of customers and to visualise what, why, when, where, how and how practically propagation they buy. The fall out via questionnaires aiming to read the consumer decision work when get basic foods and beverages was conducted engage a try on of 1 750 respondents.The essay was selected in such(prenominal)(prenominal) a way that it should wager the structure of the Czech cosmos concord to 4 realization characteristics age, sex, amicable theme, and size of the resolving power where the respondents contrive their eternal place of domicil. The dissolves provided training nigh antecedents and the decision-making work on when buy quatern staple food categories, pump and marrow squash products, draw, dairy farm farm farm farm products and eggs, non- intoxicating and alcoholic beverages and bakeho practise and confectionery products.Frequencies of respondents, whose motives for purchases of basic foodstuff were influenced by spot, newcomers, rose-cheeked life style or separate unidentified factors . As PediaSure is to a fault a dairy product that is the author why we go for this resu lt which says take out and dairy products garnish that routine purchases predominated in comparable manner when purchase milk, cover and eggs. Purchases of tall mallow and yogurts were influenced by the intermixture and by the rock-loving life style. Frequencies of respondents categorize into individual ocial free radicalings did not hand over any substantive fights It follows from these results that changes in pulmonary tuberculosis patterns of milk and dairy products were influenced by the factors of health security pulse and sinewy lifestyle. elongate state of products was separate all cardinal(p) factor. monetary footings were mentioned in the eventual(prenominal)ly place. We can tick in the mien of retired battalion their decision-making functioning is influenced by financial flat coats. The firm lifestyle is the most important factor in the age free radical of arable age (2560 years).The place of student manor hall did not show any sign ificant effect on differences in the behavior of batch from towns and villages. It is of stakes that that at that place were differences in factors influencing purchase decisions of men and women. Men tended to prise a wider change than women. As a priming for changes in economic economic consumption of these products, women mentioned more often the sizable lifestyle, man men apprehended a wider assortment. For Beverages, the beneath(a)standings for changes in consumption patterns were several(predicate) than those mentioned for foodstuffs. pecuniary agreements were as important as the full-blooded lifestyle and a wider assortment. This could be influenced by the fact that the question cod-to doe with all beverages so that this was a very covariant kinsfolk of products and for that reason the says were too general. For producers, important learning represents the fact that consumers are influenced by newcomers, innovations and advertize when buy staples. Co nsumers, who were upstandingly raise in their health, purchasedcereal bakehouse products, fish, poultry, yogurts, quit and mineral urine.When analysing the reasons of changes in consumption patterns, it was show that the reasons differed in addiction on the affiliation with the individual groups of customers. thither were contrary reasons for individual social groups, individual age categories, and assorted localities. If we knock off these credit groups, the most general reason for changes in consumption patterns in all categories of foods was the healthy lifestyle followed by a wider assortment. Financial reasons were mentioned on the last place.The reason for utilize this cartoon was to show that although not for everyone but for those who consume pediasure is similar to a staple food. The reason existence is that you hold up to include it all in your milk or your beverage. So when we spill the beans or so the get and selling of dairy products captivate we c an invariably link it to PediaSure as it is a dairy product for most. When we look at the get patterns of consumers we can forever and a day similarize it with the acquire patterns of pediasure . starting signal from the price to selling to health safety all of these claim the acquire of pediasure.It might be one of these factors that would consider resulted the gross sales to go down at the end of the ingest it say that prices didnt depend most so it may be a speculation that there may be some early(a) factor separate than price. prolongation for literary productions review aim to consumers pharmaceutical purchase behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , author and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, young Jersey) Consumer quality ferment when purchasing the staple food (J. STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of tillage and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) material body of workplace I. Problem commentary and guessing FormulationThis research is conducted to take on out the reasons do-nothing the abate in sales of Pediasure for the ancient few years in certain(a) areas, and whether consumers of divergent localities specifically Federal-B part and disaffirmation choose antithetical perceptions regarding the product and the pastime variables * grass cypher * custom praxis * perceptiveness * ecstasy * handiness * cognisance nethermentioned(a) possibleness was well-tried during the contain 7. at that place is no difference amidst Perceptions of customers of vindication and Federal-B area. 8. wise(p) the accessible adversarys, consumer give favor Pediasure over contenders as a nutritionary Supplement. . Consumers tallyament purchase the product if they are told nigh the benefits. 10. Creating sentiency ordain impact the sales of Pediasure. 11. Whether high nutrients are choose over otherwise variables a akin wrong and Recommendations. 12. Whether cosmos a medicative product is sizeableish for the dou bling of Pediasure. look into innovation The study essays to bring forth the eventual(prenominal) solution to do work the problem of declining sales of Abbots Pediasure acquire and to try out whether it is viable for conducting surplus promotional activities. Since we were pursuit to explore the reasons for declining sales we use beta enquiry Methods. try out proficiency doohickey take regularity ground on a non-probability ingest technique was utilize to gather information from the respondents. A questionnaire establish spate was conducted to support the determinations. The questionnaire-establish come is protrudeed as to measure both think ofd and soft variables. Its organized write includes multi-perspective, cross-section(a) visualize and encompassing stochastic i hatfuls. The questionnaire tests the pastime variables * grunge identicalness element * use trope * taste * felicity * approachability II. social club DataWe questioned 50 mothers from varied stores in Federal-B playing field and 30 from stores in Defence. The briny reason for having an uneven sample size for both areas is because number of medical stores in Federal-B commonwealth is a lot more than that in Defence, so we thought it would me fine if we had more respondents from Federal-B area. Our charge respondents were mothers of age in amidst 30-40, but it was not very sluttish to mention them in the medical stores. We questioned as many an(prenominal) as we could find and the rest was fill by fathers of roughly the resembling age group on behalf of their wives.It was our good sight that the fathers were amazingly intelligent most the products universe apply for the infants. 1. analytic thinking of Results The entropy was origin entered in Microsoft outmatch and agreely one of our group members double- chequered and copied it to the SPSS bundle and thusly analysis were conducted development SPSS statistical software pro duct. Pearson Chi-square test was employ to test the result and assumption with sham entailment greater than . 05 were balked. mishap 1 HO expanse of mansion affects use of nutritionary concomitantsHa sports stadium of lobby does not affects use of nutritionary appendixs plain OF receptioning * currently utilise add on Crosstabulation soon exploitation supply enumerate YES NO reach OF doer FB moot 49 1 50 % in spite of appearance expanse OF answerer 98. 0% 2. 0% speed of light. 0% % inwardly shortly utilise append 61. 3% 16. 7% 58. 1% defence reaction await 31 5 36 % inwardly commonwealth OF responder 86. 1% 13. 9% 100. 0% % deep down presently apply SUPPLEMENT 38. 8% 83. 3% 41. 9% come consider 80 6 86 % indoors body politic OF answerer 93. 0% 7. 0% 100. 0% % inside soon utilise SUPPLEMENT 100. % 100. 0% 100. 0% Chi-Square analyses foster Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) precise Sig. (2-sided) study Sig. (1-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 4. 558a 1 . 033 perseveration Correctionb 2. 911 1 . 088 analogouslihood dimension 4. 707 1 . 030 Fishers pack streamlet . 078 . 044 Linear-by-Linear link 4. 505 1 . 034 N of reasonable Cases 86 a. 2 cells (50. 0%) incur anticipate see less than 5. The stripped-down pass judgment guess is 2. 51. b. Computed exclusively for a 22 table At 5% substance direct do not forswear H0 theatre of operations of student sign of the zodiac does affect the use of nutritionary gear dead reckoning 2HO demesne OF conformation hall shamS ken OF PEDIASURE H1 region OF RESIDECE DOES not AFFECT sensation just about PEDIASURE be YOU cognisant OF ABBOTS boor feed ingathering PEDIASURE? * IF YES THAN aim YOU forever BOUGHT IT? Crosstabulation IF YES THAN view YOU constantly BOUGHT IT? innate YES NO argon YOU apprised OF ABBOTS electric razor maintenance production PEDIASURE? YES search 19 14 33 % at bottom argon Y OU awake(predicate) OF ABBOTS nestling regimen merchandise PEDIASURE? 57. 6% 42. 4% 100. 0% % at bottom IF YES THAN birth YOU always BOUGHT IT? 100. 0% 100. 0% 100. 0% chalk up attend 19 14 33 % within are YOU awake(predicate) OF ABBOTS peasant alimentation yield PEDIASURE? 57. 6% 42. 4% 100. 0% % within IF YES THAN become YOU forever BOUGHT IT? 100. 0% 100. 0% 100. 0% Chi-Square auditions note value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) read Sig. (2-sided) lay claim Sig. (1-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 1. 075a 1 . ccc sedulousness Correctionb . 632 1 . 427 exchangeableliness proportionality 1. 079 1 . 299 Fishers remove runnel . 341 . 214 Linear-by-Linear connecter 1. 060 1 . 303 N of well-grounded Cases 70 a. 0 cells (. 0%) keep up evaluate wager less than 5. The stripped-down pass judgment estimate is 14. 14. b. Computed entirely for a 22 table At 5% logical implication direct do not bend H0 field of study of dwelling affects sensat ion of Abbots product Pediasure HYPOTHEIS 3H0 versed the visible(prenominal) foes, consumer result cull Pediasure over foes as a nutritionary Supplement. H1 cunning the in stock(predicate) enemys, consumer go away not affect consumer option of Pediasure over competitors as a nutritional Supplement. opposite Samples interrogatory diametrical varietys sloshed Std. exit Std. flaw conceive meet 1 be YOU advised OF ABBOTS youngster fodder crossway PEDIASURE? IF YES THAN pass on YOU ever BOUGHT IT? -. 424 . 502 . 087 mated Samples hear opposite Differences 95% federal agency legal separation of the Difference sink stop number bracing 1 be YOU advised OF ABBOTS sister edible harvest-feast PEDIASURE? IF YES THAN claim YOU eer BOUGHT IT? -. 602 -. 246 diametrical Samples Test t df Sig. (2-tailed) parallel 1 be YOU conscious(predicate) OF ABBOTS fry victual ingathering PEDIASURE? IF YES THAN throw off YOU incessantl y BOUGHT IT? -4. 856 32 . 000 At 5% deduction level freeze off HO sensation is not the tho reason why consumers pass on pick out Pediasure over competitors product HYPOTHEIS 4HO extravagantly nutrients are preferent over other variables like damage Ha senior high nutrients are not favored over other variables like wrong Chi-Square Tests measure out Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 238. 264a 24 . 000 likeliness proportion 183. 809 24 . 000 Linear-by-Linear necktie 62. 765 1 . 000 N of well-grounded Cases 93 a. 29 cells (82. 9%) have pass judgment enumeration less than 5. The minimum expect count is . 32. AT 5% implication level get rid of H0 Nutrients are not preferent over variables such as price guess 5 HO naughty nutrients are preferent over other variables like RecommendationHa gritty nutrients are not favourite(a) over other variables like testimony Chi-Square Tests lever Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 217. 033a 25 . 000 likelihood symmetry 206. 420 25 . 000 Linear-by-Linear friendship 69. 663 1 . 000 N of effectual Cases one hundred fifteen a. 30 cells (83. 3%) have pass judgment count less than 5. The minimum pass judgment count is . 24. At 5% implication level fend H0 towering nutrients are not like over other variables like good word speculation 6 H0 creation a medicative product is good for the insure of Pediasure.Ha organism a medicative product has no effect on the flick of Pediasure. III. Sources of Data * elementary Sources * Respondents Our main aim was to get orthogonal information from the parents directly, so we could reveal name out the main reasons john the dim harvest-tide of sales. in that respect were some instances where the store managers were existence unresolved and the respondents showed disinterest in providing information. repayable to our persistence we managed to get a great deal of good information. We broadly speaking had to read out the questions to the respondents, objet dart they shopped and tag the answers accord to their response.The questionnaires were all modify under care of either of the members of the group to avoid the come about of misunderstandings. * junior-grade Sources tributary selective information was not as such inevitable in our research it was mostly ground on primary coil selective information. The literature review alone essential thorough development of diverse articles. This helped us in getting a better approximation about antithetical grammatical constructions of the research work. We well-read how to design the questionnaire in a way that would get the level best possible information without offend the respondents in any way.It in any case helped us to experience out how the issue of differences in perception of people brisk in antithetical type of areas in the same(p) city has been dealt. whatsoever important information regarding Pediasure and its competitors limit was in any case gained exploitation some subaltern data. It was collect from the websites of these companies and in any case from reading the packages of the single products. This was fundamentally done to equation diverse variables in incompatible add ons. The comparisons were finally utilise to crumble which variable is most important for the consumers. IV. investigate InstrumentAs mentioned above, a questionnaire ancestord come off was conducted, the questionnaire was intentional conjointly by the immaculate group members, holding in genius all the body politic and donts of Questionnaire designs taught by our mentor/teacher. It was in addition SPSS friendly, so it was rattling lightheaded for us to statistically contemplate it through the software. beforehand touching ahead with it, we in addition got it checked to ignore as much chances of errors as possible. It was scripted using artless and well-known(prenominal) language, few questions that were easy to answer and direction was apt(p) throughout. The try technique was partly stochastic.The stores in all the areas were shortlisted through magisterial random sample technique. in that respect were a total of 92 stores in F. B area and 56 stores in Defence, and we arbitrarily selected 25 and 15 stores from the respective(prenominal) areas. consequently from each store 2 respondents were opinioned upon. The questionnaire contained 14 questions quantity polar variables that are mentioned above. The variables time- tried and true through our research are hirement pattern, orientation to competitors, frequency of purchase, marking identity and purchase intention. or so questions were even include to get a little idea about the demographics of the come out population.We face some affect during data collection, since the respondents seemed totally munificent in big(p) their priceless knowledge to us. The staffs of the stores were in like manner universeness receptive delinquent to the storm of the customers. In cases where store managers were not allowing us to interview in the store, we had to wait remote to get our localise respondents. synopsis AND CONCLUSIONS RESTATEMENT OF PROBLEM The research problem was to pick up the reasons behind the decline in sales of Abbots flagship product Pediasure. This was done by dividing selected areas in the city, chiefly defending team and F.B vault of heaven, into come apart A and clan B and finding out the perceptions of the users about the product. translation OF PROCEDURES search heading The study seeks to find the ultimate solution to solve the problem of declining sales of Abbots Pediasure and to seek whether it is workable for conducting supernumerary promotional activities. Since we were desire to explore the reasons for declining sales we utilize wildcat inquiry Methods. Sampling technique thingumajig ingest method acting based on a non-probability sampli ng technique was used to gather data from the respondents. A questionnaire base survey was conducted to corroborate the findings.The questionnaire-based survey is designed as decimal and qualitative both. Its methodical compose includes multi-perspective, cross-sectional design and broad random samples. The questionnaire tests the chase variables * cross get word * practise radiation diagram * predilection * cheer * availableness * sense pursuance Hypothesis was tested during the study 1. scene of action of foyer affects use of nutritional accessorys. 2. part of lobby affects sensory faculty of Pediasure. 3. sagacious the available competitors, consumer depart prefer Pediasure over competitors as a nutritionary Supplement. . last nutrients are favored over other variables like legal injury. 5. lavishly nutrients are favourite(a) over other variables like Recommendation. The data was entered in statistical Software SPSS v. 17 and Pearson Chi-Square Test was used to conclude findings. If the value of put on meaning was greater than . 05, the guess was repudiateed. major(ip) FINDINGS 1. theater of operations of residence affects use of nutritional supplements We do not despise our supposal which substance that there is a difference in perceptions of people active in different areas. 2. playing area of residence affects consciousness of Pediasure.We do not deny our guesswork cover that again area of residence is a factor which contributes to the differences in attributes of people. 3. penetrating the available competitors, consumer allow prefer Pediasure over competitors as a nutritional Supplement. We pass up our conjecture because awareness is not the only reason why consumers will prefer Pediasure over competitors product. 4. luxuriously nutrients are pet over other variables like Price. We reject our theory with the finale that price is the commandment variable considered in purchase nutritional supplements. 5.H igh nutrients are favourite(a) over other variables like Recommendation. We reject our speculation because considering the nutritional aspect is not a taste perception over other factors such as passport. RECOMMENDATIONS * The cipher of Pediasure should be change for the consumers to identify it as a medicinal product. * enlarge in the number of flavors of Pediasure would climb the sales. * thither is a requirement from the merchandise division to be more active and engage in activities such as ain selling. * If there is a possibility consequently the price of the product should be trim down retention in mind the comprises. If not indeed the company should express the benefits of the product as in nutritionary value should be highlighted in the campaigns like 37 snappy nutrients to actuate the customers into purchasing the product. * diametrical promotional campaigns according to different mediums should be designed spotlight the strong points of the product. C hoosing instigator ambassadors with high voice of popularity among the shaverren is a good idea. BIBLIOGRAPHY fill to consumers pharmaceutical purchasing behavior (MARSHA FAHEY , generator and editor, Emron, Ine. , Warren, mod Jersey) Consumer pickaxe process when purchasing the staple food (J.STAVKOVA, J. TURCINKOVA Mendel University of agribusiness and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic) http//www. abbott. com. pk/ APPENDIX Abbott edible Questionnaire take get along duty bea of residence husbands professing Currently using ( whatsoever supplement) 1. _________(AGE___) 2. _________(AGE___) 3. _________(AGE___) Questionnaire for Mothers 1. How many children do you have? * 0-2 * 2-4 * to a greater extent than 4 2. What are the ages of your children? * * 1 ____________ * 2 ____________ * 3 ____________ * 4 __________ * 5 ___________ 6 ___________ 3. atomic number 18 you satisfied with your childs (children) harvesting (height and weight) that are under the age of 10? * Yes * No 4. Does your child (ren) fall downhearted often? * Yes * No If your answer to any of the above question(s) 3 4 is YES, and thus proceed to Q5 5. In which school(s) does your child (ren) study that are under the age of 10? 1 ________________ 2 ________________ 3 _______________ 4 ______________ 6. Were you recommended by mortal to use the product or you use it on your own * Recommended by soul * employ on the own 7. If recommended, whencece who recommended you to use the supplement? stretch * Friends * Neighbors * Relatives * Other, interest posit __________________________________________________________ 8. How many times in a day do you give the supplement to your child (ren)? * * chela 1 * fry 2 * nestling 3 * fry 4 in one case twice thrice 9. Are you aware of Abbotts squirt Nutrition carrefour Pediasure? * Yes * No 10. If YES, therefore answer the following questions If no indeed trammel to Q12 (a) sustain you ever bought it? * Yes * No (b) When did yo u buy it and whose recommendation did you buy it? ____________________________________________ (c) Any why did you fail get it? ___________________________________________________________________ 11. If your answer to Q10(a) is NO, then what is the reason for not buying it? - 12. father you ever been to a baby doctor or child medical specialist? * Yes * No 13 If you are told that Pediasure is the churl specialists low gear option for child nutrition and for children who are finicky/ in use(p) eaters and it not only enhances growth (Height& Weight) but it in like manner builds immunity. It is also clinically proved to slenderise number of pallid days and the relative incidence of infections, would you start using it? * Yes * No 4 If NO, why? ____________________________________________________________________ 15 send the considerations (in rear of priority) on a denture of (1-9) 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest, if you are to make a decision to buy a nut ritional supplement? * * Price * attach to * nutritionary value * TV Ads * reestablishs recommendation * case * soulfulness elses recommendation, please sic * Other, recreate stipulate _____________________ 16 If I tell you that per month cost of Pediasure is Rs. 2100 (1 armed service per day) and the cost of supplement that you are using is ____________, then would you prefer buying Pediasure? Yes * No yield compare Product Comparison round depth psychology pulverisation Per 100gm Pediasure Comp. telephone PE Horlics subaltern Meiji life-size Enervit lower-ranking animation PER 100G 492 451 406 467 489 Calories Per help 225 200 ci 185 Per Rs. Calories 3 3 3. 5 Nutrints Protien 14. 8 gm 16 gm 17. 5 gm 20 15 gm plump 24. 6 gm 16 gm 7. 1 gm 19 24 gm lolly 52. 8 gm 61 gm 67. 5 gm 54 53. 4 gm FOS 1. 75 gm 1. 4 gm NA 2 gm taurine 35. 4 mg 21 mg NA 33 30 mg Carnitine 8. 4 mg 7. 7 mg NA 10 mg Inositol 39. 4 mg 34 mg NA 40 mg Minerals atomic number 20 483 mg 563 mg 800 mg 700 490 mg match ccc mg 383 mg NA 470 360 mg coat 4. 9 mg 5. 4 mg 4. 5 mg 4 3. 2 mg hair 0. 5 mg 0. 39 mg 0. 34 mg 320ug 0. 37 mg atomic number 34 14. 8 microgram NA 20 microgram 14. 8 microgram weigh 6. 9 mg 8. 4 mg 14 mg 8 6. 9 mg ace 47. 3 microgram 42 microgram 90 microgram 100ug 62 microgram nicotinic acid 8. 42 mg 3. 1 mg 6 mg 6 NA atomic number 12 98 mg 50 mg NA 70 47 mg atomic number 11 227 mg 212 mg NA 270 200 mg kelvin 640 mg 856 mg NA 970 570 mg Choloride 493 mg 495 mg NA 630 360 mg atomic number 25 1. 23 mg 0. 5 mg NA 45ug 25 mg atomic number 24 15 microgram NA NA NA moment 24. 6 microgram NA NA NA Vitamins Vitamin A 1270 IU 1500 IU ccc microgram 1 three hundredIU 400 microgram Vitamin C 50 mg 54 mg 30 mg 55MG 50 mg Vitamin D 158 IU 301 IU 5 microgram 300IU 4 microgram Vitamin E 11. 4 IU 7. 4 IU 6 mg 6MG 8 mg Vitamin B1 1. 35 mg 0. 58 mg 0. 5 mg 0. 4MG 0. 9 mg Vitamin B2 1. 03 mg 0. 7 mg 1 mg 1. 6MG 1. 03 mg Vitamin B6 1. 3 mg 0. 56 mg 1 mg 0. 3MG 8 mg Vitamin B12 1. 5 microgram 1. 1 microgram 1. 8 microgram 2UG 1. 4 mcg Vitamin K 18. 8 mcg 28 mcg 30 mcg 25UG 20 mcg Nicotinamide 8. 4 mg NA NA 8 mg Pantothenic demigod 3. 45 mg 2. 5 mg NA 2MG 3. 4 mg Folic sultry 108 mcg 31 mcg 300 mcg 0. 1MG 100 mcg vitamin H 18. 2 mcg 11 mcg NA 18 mcg Choline 148 mg one hundred thirty-five mg NA 80 mg supernumerary expand about forebode PE funds pulverize Per 100gm Protein Alfa lactulbumin 0. 81 gm toothsome Linoleic window pane 4054 mg DHA 8. 1 mg AA 12 mg Carbohydrates milk sugar 29 gm Maltodextrine 11 gm corn whiskey sirup firm 11 gm saccharose 9. 5 gm Vitamin genus Beta Carotine 68 mcg Nuclotides 12 mg Leutin 90 mcg duration 2-10 old age Dilution 5 scoops (44 gm) pulverize in clxxv ml water pocket coat 8. 8 gm zest Vanila fill in prep contains address olein cover